"You were supposed to be the one"a day ago -
Canada to cut off electricity to US states: "Need to feel the pain"2 days agoHonestly, I don't think there's going back to any level of normal. Maybe by quickly destroying the system, we will be able to quickly rebuild it (after all the destruction to everyone's lives)
‘America is going down’: China can capitalise on damage caused by Trump, former PLA colonel says3 days agoAs a person? Yes
As a politician? Arguably no since he's not the one making decisions. Hes so very clearly nothing but a figure head. His boss in Russia, the heritage foundation and their billionaire backers are commanding him. The fuckin guy was told to shut up by a child, in the white house while Elon was behind the desk answering questions. I think part of the game plan is to make America look as dumb/inept as possible and it is working beautifully. -
I wonder if they gave Elmo two left feet on purpose.9 days agoI wonder if they gave Elmo two left feet on purpose.
Trump threatens to blow apart entire G7 to protect Putin13 days agoClass war is the only real one.
Remember to Rage Against The Machine!20 days ago...what??
What's something that's taken for granted that occasionally makes you think, wait wtf?26 days agoIt's always been a rich man's country. All for one, none for all.
What are your favorite games for killing nazis?1 Feb 2025, 10:49I'm literally thinking of different ways to kill Nazis....in minecraft