I understand your question wanting to know about New big shit. But if you say all inventions in medince in thre past decades is "just" a little improvenenrt of existing medicine but not Innovation, then your examples oft cars and airplanes are no invention but just a littleimprovemenrt of mobility. Bikes and trains existed before wie Bad nobility it just got faster.
Ill think the Problem why medicine and science Innovation in General is not perceived as thatdramatifc is because you need to be a scientist (vor really read yourself Into it) to understand. The incredible steps forward wie make are so complex it cannot be explained to the General public anymore.
You See the big obvious stuff (Gravitation, electricity) wie know now. You cannot write a PhD thesis anymore discovering electricity or evolution. Nowadays PhD thesis are about inventing nanoparticless in a way they only go to a very specific tissue type (cancerous) to destroy it there locally. Anymore Detail Into this requirees extensive research. But its still super innovative.