Mull development has been abandoned. You might want to switch to IronFox, the community's fork to continue its legacy.
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Balatro wins formal appeal to reclassify poker game as PEGI 12Ugh, I remember those days well. I saw personally what MMOs did to two friends of mine (one from high school and one from college), and how the high school friend was able to really pull himself together and make a good life for himself after we helped pull him out of MMO addiction, and how the college friend we couldn't help just wallowed in a sea of empty energy drink cans and turned EVERYTHING into WoW during that time. I don't know if he was able to build a solid life/career after college, but I could imagine him looking back at that time and wanting more from it. Either way, I saw both their situations and vowed to never pick up an MMO because I didn't want the same to happen to me. Just because an addicting game isn't extractive of one's money doesn't mean it's not harmful if you have a hard time with self-control and moderation. You either lose your money directly or your time, which may cost you money in other ways in addition to other indirect costs. Ultimately you'll end up losing something of great value you will unlikely get back, if ever.
Sonic Racing: CrossWorlds - Announce TrailerMy only frustration was that you had to essentially master the game completely to unlock all the racers. Sure, rewards for mastery all the way to the highest levels of the single player mode are good, but I felt they should have changed it up so you unlock all the racers earlier and offered some different rewatds for the end. Or maybe I'm just salty that I had to go to the very end on the highest difficulty to play as characters I wanted to play from the start, in a Sega racer, no less, which are generally harder than most. At least in a game like Smash Bros Brawl, you just had to beat the final boss to unlock Sonic, you didn't have to perfect it on the highest difficulty.