The 2024 spell ends immediately if you deal any damage. So, also item damage.
What counts as an attack for the purposes of the invisibility spell? -
What counts as an attack for the purposes of the invisibility spell?5e RAW, they remain invisible. However, using the tinderbox will make noise so enemies will likely notice that.
In the 2024 rules, dealing damage (even not by attacking) causes invisibility to end.
NOTE: both versions of the rules (see the oil item description) state that in this scenario, an enemy only takes damage if it enters or ends its turn in the oiled space. Starting their turn in the burning oil does not cause damage, so just moving out of the space will prevent the damage.
Those of you who made the switch to 2024 rules, how's it going?So far, I've played three sessions with three different groups. Haven't run into big issues yet. Next session I will be using monsters from the new MM. I'm curious to see how the balancing turns out.