I s2g im gonna become one of those psychos who runs the oldest Debian that still gets security updates behind a pfsense with whitelisting. -
The future is now old man. -
I just hope Wayland has its accessibility shit together before then. -
I really wish Wayland was more fleshed out & stable before all of this happened. -
As much as I love Wayland, they really should keep support for those who have to use X11. -
Which distro would you install on a celeron 2gb ram laptop for a lay person to use? -
Which distro would you install on a celeron 2gb ram laptop for a lay person to use? -
Which distro would you install on a celeron 2gb ram laptop for a lay person to use? -
Which distro would you install on a celeron 2gb ram laptop for a lay person to use? -
Which distro would you install on a celeron 2gb ram laptop for a lay person to use?