Cool cool. You're so cool. Now go cry in a corner or something.
YouTuber PewDiePie tries Arch -
YouTuber PewDiePie tries ArchUse it. Why won't you?
YouTuber PewDiePie tries ArchNothing wrong with that. Even though I never liked tiling window managers. I don't even know much about them either.
YouTuber PewDiePie tries ArchAnd free speech also entitles me to tell you to go fuck yourself and eat shit.
YouTuber PewDiePie tries ArchWow, this sounds so weird coming from someone on the internet (in a good way). All I see online is one giant echochamber and a cancelling machine. Thank you for sounding sane. Let the downvotes come my way now ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
No no no, cars need the least amount of software, no touch and all buttons.That's what I meant. I know that there has to be some software. That's why I mentioned zero OTA. So the modem. We don't need that. No one asked for it. They use it to syphon our personal data and sell it to the insurance companies.
No no no, cars need the least amount of software, no touch and all buttons.No no no, cars need the least amount of software, no touch and all buttons. And 0 OTA. Zero, Nada. And the only software that should be there is that very minimal radio and some dash functions controllers, that's it. I'm so sick of having a phone on wheels. It's a car, and can be called "death on wheels" and drivers need the most attention they can.
Apparently, 12% of Technology Workers Believe that MacOS is based on LinuxNope. I don't really argue much at work. It's a place where I do my job, get paid and get the fuck out. I only argue when they ask for something more than I'm supposed to do/unreasonable. Other than that, fuck all. lol
Apparently, 12% of Technology Workers Believe that MacOS is based on Linux- Code base. It has no relation whatsoever to anything unix. You know the ATT bell labs unix. Unix kernels descend directly from that, Linux doesn't. It was written by this genuine man named Linus lol
- Unix trademark certification that is maintained by the "open group". Linux is not a certified unix, even though it is POSIX compliant.
- POSIX compliance. Linux is POSIX complaint, but that's just how it behaves in terms of APIs and system calls. POSIX complaince doesn't make a system "unix". Linux is not derived from unix at all, its code is its own code, it behaves like unix, but it is not unix. MacOS, BSD and other unix systems are derived from Unix (I know MacOS has taken its own way now, but still, it came from a Unix code base).
Tldr; Linux is not unix because it does not descend from AT&T Unix or BSD and it is not UNIX-certified.
Apparently, 12% of Technology Workers Believe that MacOS is based on LinuxBut not the Linux kernel itself.
How to disable Polkit password prompts (the annoying ones that pop up when you want to update, for example)I doubt anyone's feathers have been ruffled, as this post comes off as very childish (at least the second part of it does).
Apparently, 12% of Technology Workers Believe that MacOS is based on LinuxLmfao. My fucking lead was arguing with me the other day how Linux is Unix. I just said ok after I saw that it was going nowhere.
How to disable Polkit password prompts (the annoying ones that pop up when you want to update, for example)It 1000% is projection. This person insulted people before even seeing their responses. lol
How to disable Polkit password prompts (the annoying ones that pop up when you want to update, for example)I was kind of on your side and agreeing with you until you started insulting people before even seeing their responses. You're coming in a bit too hot there, bud. Sounds like you're the one who is "insecure". You ok? Did you post this somewhere else and got bullied out of the room and now you're mad at the whole community? lol
Amazon is changing what is written in booksNo worries. Thank you
Amazon is changing what is written in booksThank you
Amazon is changing what is written in booksDoes overdrive have only audio books or regular books, too?
Amazon is changing what is written in booksYou can buy those books (if possible) from the publisher directly and load them onto your Kobo via a computer.
Amazon is changing what is written in booksI just checked them out and they have really low PPI on the one I want, the inkpad lite. It's 150 PPI. That's too low and would drive me insane.
Amazon is changing what is written in booksThank you. Do you have another kobo with higher DPI that you can compare it to? I'm very weird when it comes to this. I can see pixels very easily and then would never be able to focus anymore. lol. I can't even use anything but 4k screens on my laptops and PC, that's how bad I am.