They should start their own political party, and call it the "chaos computer club party" or CCCP.
That's got a nice ring to it I think
They should start their own political party, and call it the "chaos computer club party" or CCCP.
That's got a nice ring to it I think
"Nearly as"????
Having enough money to get the education NEEDED to work in today's world (or enough money to have the ability to get a position based on influence) has A MASSIVE influence on your quality of life.
Having one of those gets you to an equivalent position to "working your way up the ranks of a company", except you get there YEARS earlier and with less effort.
The population of Gaza in 2024 was 2.1 million. It is one of the most densely populated areas in the world (≈5,960 people per km²).
They didn't force the dislocation of tens of thousands, they're FORCING the dislocation of MILLIONS.
I despise the actions of Israel and hope they get what they deserve.
They should have kept quiet and let Google show how shit they are on live TV
Regulations are definitely excellent for both businesses and consumers in the long term. But businesses are often too stupid to see past ANYTHING "quarterly".
That hampter is runnin oh boi
What's confusing is that some great auto brands from Europe are under Stellantis (Peugeot and Citroen at least)
And they're actually not doing a shitty job in designing or selling their vehicles. It's mainly the Chrysler brands or basically the US brands under Stellantis
Yes, specially 600 billion of federal funding
You're right, sorry.
I got my expulsion dates mixed up. That alone should be indicative of the number of times they've done this before. Trump expecting people to believe this again is insulting to human intellect.
"Temporary" relocation of Palestinians is exactly how it all started back in 1967. There's no such thing as a temporary occupation and relocation.