Just made the switch to Linux as a lifetime Windows user.
Foreign words to me. Happy for you nonetheless
really the only annoying thing about linux nowadays is finding out the name of the software
Can you give me a brief idea of gaming on bazzite? I've done so on mint but I'm looking for something maybe better
welcome home!
My brother recently texted me asking for advice about installing Mint on an old laptop. He is the one that got me into computers as a kid, and he has worked at Microsoft for maybe 25 years. It made me so happy lol.
Welcome to the dark side, we have cookies
Having said that, just as a suggestion, take a look at KDE. It feels a bit more windows like, is extremely customizable and as such can be made to work exactly how you want it
Some Elgato hardware is supported by OBS, FYI. IIRC the HD60+ or S+ or something.
Right. I said that I use OBS for my Elgato HD60 X. Works great!
It just works for me. I tried it about a year ago when I still had an Nvidia card and Wayland wasn't playing nice. I've since upgraded to an AMD and most things just work out of the box.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle gave me some trouble, but that's just typical for MachineGames's engine on Linux.
The most difficult thing about Bazzite is figuring out rpm-ostree and package layering. Luckily there isn't much I need that's not in the package library.
Bazzite and Chimera are "SteamOS-like" distros that are more focused on providing a game console like experience.
They're immutable operating systems, and the primary UI is Steam. Definitely usable as a desktop PC but that isn't really their target niche.
Welcome! We are happy to have you. Remember, RTFM.
Good on you! It's a pretty good time to be transiting to linux. I transitioned a few years ago, and there were a lot of things that sucked back then, that just aren't an issue anymore.
Try Aurora which is Kinoite with some nice extras added
That was the "just works Windows killer" for me.
You can rebase directly to it to just try it out, and simply rebase back to standard Kinoite if you don't like it.
Welcome to stability. You are in control.
responsibly. -
As someone who uses RHEL for work every time I have to set something up on a windows system I groan. It really boils down to the app, some are very easy to use but it seems anything that involves OS config and permissions becomes a royal pita. Linux isn't 100% pain free (looking at you package conflicts) and SSL config sucks on all OS's but the majority of the time it presents smaller hurdles because I can dig into any part I need to.
Im gonna switch now when support for win 10 ends too, I would switch now but I have work to finish.
Yeah I used to use Ubuntu as a Linux desktop a few years ago. I just came back to install Fedora on my desktop and the whole process was super easy. Even for gaming, Nvidia drivers, Steam with proton, etc. all set up with zero command line interaction, troubleshooting or even looking up guides or anything. It was intuitive and works.
The compatibility for gaming on Linux today is generally really good. The whole experience is really polished.
Forewarning, wine appears to be a bit broken on Mint at the moment. I was recently experimenting with it in a VM, and I could not seem to get it installed properly - even after adding the winehq repo. Debian, by contrast, just works. I still use winamp for my music library, and play a few games that are windows based.
I started on Mint, then went to Arch Linux with Gnome, now I spend hours a day every day customizing my Arch + Hyprland setup. It's fun when things break and you
have toget to fix them yourself
Fortunately I have no need for wine.