Why are there so many graybeards in FOSS?
It can be really hard to get that motivation back. I said the same thing way back. However now I’m a a solid career point, my kids are in college, and I’m divorced. I have to reinvent my life according to only my priorities. This is my opportunity. Yet I’m doom scrolling. Time flies with useless crap and the motivation to create is not as strong
It’s good in some ways, but I read one of the points as a generational turnover. Graybeards are the people who invented a lot of foss and stayed true to the calling. True heroes. But there needs to be a continuation, fresh blood, a bright future, and the graybeards won’t be around forever.
Graybeards are also people who got into foss when it was easy to start. The fear is there are higher expectations now, vpcreating barriers to entry for the next generation
That was the stuff you needed to do to do things like: play video games on your computer, get online and chat with people, hell even use your PC to write an essay. You didn't necessarily have to go as far as they described to do that stuff, but you had to do some of it.
Nowadays there's no equivalent. You don't have to at least kinda understand the filesystem to play minecraft on your iPad.
There may be some truth to that, but seeing Rust take off means there's still interest in lower level languages. Rust is making its way to the Linux kernel and other established FOSS projects, which improves the chances for people uncomfortable with C-style languages to get involved.
But I think the explanation is simpler: younger people don't have the time for FOSS, and few companies pay people to work on FOSS. So these graybeards are either grandfathered into the few roles that exist, or have sufficient time (e.g. kids moved out/largely independent).
I can't speak to the rest but I started working on Linux and other FOSS in ~1995 as a young man and just never stopped. The same applies to many others I know. We started young and are still here.
1999, 1991 is Yeltsin,
You are absolutely right, my bad on that one. But actually under Yeltsin there was still room for optimism, and in those years cooperation between the west and Russia increased.
I think you're missing my point. I'm not saying everyone capable of using a computer today is equivalent to that level of dedication and curiosity. I'm just saying that in the same way only a handful of people do that today only a handful of people pursued it in the past. It's become easier to use computers, but hat doesn't mean there still aren't people who learn the ins and outs of them today like people had to do in the past to use them.
One aspect of FOSS that most people don't appreciate is how it's funded. Like how it's actually funded.
Once you put a dollar value to the hours put into it, it fairly quickly becomes apparent that most FOSS projects are basically only possible because super rich software engineers (relative to the average person) have the relative luxury to be able to dedicate a ton of free time and effort to building something they think should exist.
It's why there was a huge FOSS boom after the dot com crash when a ton of software engineers suddenly got laid off but were relatively wealthy enough to not have massive pressure to immediately start grinding a 9-5 again.
Glad you can read and repeat stuff! I presented it as such to avoid wannabe smartasses, guess they still arrived. Since we've touched on the subject of managers and hiring, do you often hear the phrase "not a cultural fit"? Wouldn't surprise me.
If an old geek argues with a senior architect about architecture, I kinda think the architect is the one who's right in 99% of cases.
I, USE ARCH (btw)
I think you missed my point, which is that everyone who used a computer back then (less of the overall population) had to at least dip their toes in learning how they worked back then. This meant that a lot of people who otherwise wouldn't have gotten interested in computers found out that they really liked them and started going down the rabbit hole on their own from there.
Nowadays such entryways into the computing hobby are far less ubiquitous, you have to seek them out.
Eh, if you're into computers, you'll find your way. My first "programming" adventures were writing batch/vb scripts and putting them in the startup folder and watching the teacher lose their shit when when their computer turned off after five seconds. Or watching all of the classroom open and close the CD drives 50 times when we were the first to have an IT class that day.
Nowadays it's mostly college kids trying to add something to their resume. And it's all note taking apps
And you'll be older tomorrow. There is no escape. Being a dick about it won't help.
Nah, the kids I know learned C just fine. C is simple, C is all you need for writing kernel drivers, pointers are not that hard if you explain them well, it just feels really pedestrian compared to Python or Typescript.
Given the person said they're 28, I'm actually older. And I decided to not be a dick about it and to not pretend that everything was better when I was young. Everything was different, sure. Some things were better, some were not. But I decided to not do the whole "back in my days" thing because I always found it stupid and luckily that didn't change with age.
Me, thinking about the days of dial up:
Yes totally. I mean there are the same people just with an age/experience gap.
I feel that. I spend a lot of time doing stuff for myself (playing games, watching videos, and some doom scrolling), but I keep telling myself it's because it's inconsistent in frequency and duration.
But at the end of the day, it's largely an excuse. I contributed to Lemmy a bit when I switched, and I could totally find a few hours a week to help with something. I just don't, because it's always a tradeoff with other things I'd like to do, some of them also productive.
So I guess we'll see what I do. In the next 5 years, my kids will be transitioning to being more independent, and I'll have more and more time available. My current plan is to get more involved in FOSS, but we'll see if I actually do.
Dzzzz rrrrr bidibidibippbip KRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...