Man fined for loudspeaker call at French station - BBC News
Seriously, how stressed are you Europeans? Going nuts about someone who’s slightly annoying.
I dont know. I never heard someone complain about Korean tourists for instance.
Other bad reputation tourists include Germans, Brits and Russians. But i guess that is mainly because of "drunk at the beach" tourism to Spain and Turkey.
I don’t know, it just feels like perpetuating national stereotypes. It doesn’t do any good.
Then again the whole thread is weird. It feeds my suspicion that there’s a lot of (relatively) old people on Lemmy. Everybody’s getting riled up because of some guy talking with his loudspeaker on. Wtf?
Based honestly
Would you like to have someone next to you make lots of noise, while you are just trying to get from A to B in peace?
Also it is one thing to be oblivious to annoying other people in public. It is another thing entirely to make a point of annoying other people in public and doubling down on it, if someone tell you. That is just being arrogant and vile.
Yeah, I don’t like it, I am quite sensitive to any kind of sound. But I don’t have a problem expressing that, and if that doesn’t resolve it, I leave. For these annoyances I really don’t think we need any kind of authority.
Which brings us to the point everybody here conveniently omitted, that there’s conflicting statements. He says he switched off the phone immediately, the rail company says he didn’t. Here nobody gives a fuck about that and everybody’s just calling for higher fines. Someone even, albeit jokingly, suggests eugenics. It’s like a mob mentality and I find it shocking. I wish they’d be just as aggressive when it comes to cars. Because that’s a form of pollution that is more than just an annoyance. It’s life threatening.
Good. David’s an utter arsehole. Instead of a warning and a fine, take the phone off them and throw it in front of the next train.
Ftr, if someone "jokingly" suggests eugenics, please report that.
I wouldn't have thought that you of all commenters here were going to dig that kind of hole for yourself. Yikes.
The reputation of tourists should not be seen as the representation of all people in a country. But i think it is important to be aware of it, in particular to not act in a way that reinforces negative ones while being abroad.
As someone living in Germany i think you too are aware of the reputation that German Mallorca tourists have, not just in Spain but in Gerrmany too.
What the fuck france is super strict on smoking areas from what ive seen
My bro went on erasmus to France. Well, first the girl from France came to us. We hosted her, they went to a club for drinks n'stuff, shown her around the city etc. One funny thing is she thought we were about to feed her horse meat for some reason. Then my bro went, they planned a trip to disneyland. Apparently something went wrong with the tickets and my bro couldn't get in. So they left him in the parkinglot and had fun by themselves lol. He got back to the village (50km away) by going with a second family that was in the program. Like, completely insane shit.
Everybody’s getting riled up because of some guy talking with his loudspeaker on. Wtf?
Manners Maketh Man – William Horman
For these annoyances I really don’t think we need any kind of authority.
You know they HAVE enforcement because it didn't work before without it.
- he got on the PA system and broadcast his phone call to the station? Or does the author mean speaker phone instead of loud speaker?
Yeah, when you quote a headmaster from the 16th century in a situation like this it would probably make me want to troll you, too