if you have a multilingual family, do you speak all their languages or just one/some?
makes a lot of sense, my mom can be like this with her family because she’s half-polish
i once dated a girl (lost contact with her years ago) from myanmar. she spoke burmese at school (we were in high school) and with family but mainly spoke to her online friends and me. she also prefered english and while she could speak/understand spoken burmese, she could not read it without translating into english
could she perhaps teach you?? burmese seems like a cool language
whoa falo os 3 idiomas tbm
do u think your mom will teach u again??
code switching is awesome. sometimes i'll hear bilingual hispanic people being like "oh, by the way, ya has visto squid game (have you seen squid game yet)? it's so good"
This happens to me with French. My grandparents always spoke French when they talked about us to my dad. I can't speak French but I can translate it quite well.
Apprendi español primero. Depois aprendi português com meu irmão adotivo. Japanese is my worst, English is my best because I use it the most.
I kinda want to surprise her for when we get grand kids.
That sounded like those spanish speakers in American movies that have to place spanish words in their speech
Refused to learn it.
I understand it until the 'but'.
First I wondered why you were laughing. -
Ok yeah, here's a translation:
That's fabulous! My mother only spoke Japanese with me, but since she passed away, I feel I have forgotten a lot of vocabulary. Once in a while, I get chances to speak but there aren't a lot of Japanese around here so I'm pretty rusty at this point.
I think this happens irl a lot when you have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gen immigrants trying to communicate with each other and this kind of hybrid speak comes out of that? I'm 2nd gen so it sort of comes naturally to me.
I know some people from northern Ontario who speak a kind of English/French hybrid and it's more than just in the family though. They speak it fluently with each other, so it seems to have taken on a life of its own? I tried to google for an example, and the first hit I got was this tiktoker and he's exactly what I'm talking about. People really do speak like this!
I taught it was just a movie thing
Learnd something today, thank you !