What is one video game cheat code that will you will always remember?
Setting the name to COOPERTEAM in Syndicate (DOS)
32167 (Heroes of Might and Magic 2)
Its the Konami code
Up up down down L R L R B A Start
This is the one I was looking for. So famous its been used in numerous games.
Up down left right right left down up
Spot on!
XYZZY, Plough & Y2
(From the Colossal Adventure, played on a multi million $ mainframe, when at uni. Probably in the 5-8 yrs before Doom timeframe)
Razzle dazzle root beer
Up, down, left, right, A & start at the same time. I even sing the jingle when sonic 1 starts
genie jafar aladdin abu
Fuck that lava level.
That's the one I remember (but as "all three buttons and start") but I have no clue what it actually did.
For GTA SA I remember chittychittybangbang to make your car fly.
Don't forget to add a select before start if you want 30 lives for the player two as well.
Then you activate comeflywithme, turn the gun around and start shooting to get insane speed boost... those were the days