Trump’s proposed ‘land grabs’ mean US now seen as a risk, says Munich security report
it might be an easy thing for a group of foreign nations with some resources to rectify.
Yeah I don't think any American allies want to declare war on the US, and I don't think any American enemies are unhappy with that one person.
"Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven" is not the best ideology for the general wellbeing if the population.
I hope the other countries and their people see the US blowing its legs off and take a moment to reflect if right wing reactionaryism really is right for them.
Hope might not have the best standing at the moment, but I'm right there with you.
It could also be the Elon musk effect.
"Why have three fasteners. Why not two?"
In the same regard they are pushing their allies till one of them breaks. Then they know that's the point to stop where they get maximum benefit
All that is more reason to try to gain military independence from the USA, not really a good justification to let them hang out in our territory while threatening our allies.
And no matter how mighty their military might be, having military presence in our territory is still a massive advantage. I mean, look how Vietnam and Afghanistan went for them despite their might; they are not an unstoppable force. Why make it easier for them in the ever increasing chance of a war?
Because there's nothing to be gained and everything to be lost from the US leaving NATO.
Yes, there are good reasons to develop an EU army with the same capabilities as the US but realistically speaking that's decades away if we could start today but we're not even discussing it seriously. In the meantime making any decision furthering the US from NATO gives no advantage to Europe.
Yes, you are right but your also wrong. The EU can and would fight back. It would not be an even fight, we would lose badly but it will be fought. And the US will get kicked the fuck out eventually. Because if history has proven anything then it is that the US can't hold on territory because it loses its will to fight each and every time. The problem is, the US likes winning. It just doesn't have the faintest idea what to do after.
The whole American hole freeway... A large 4 Lane freeway extending the 5fwy all the way down to Patagonia. Its 500ft underground so Mexico and the other Mexican nations wouldn't be bothered. If they are bothered, they are more than welcome to try fill the hole with precious water....tunnel warfare!
Dear Europe,
Please take us seriously as a threat and invade us and liberate us and adopt us as your wayward bastard child so this can be over.
Canadians, even as their country is directly threatened with economic ruin and annexation, and even as they watch the USA going downhill rapidly under fascism, are about to elect a guy who bases his whole new-found "tough guy" schtick on Trump, and who has courted the support of neo-Nazis. I really hope they see what's happening next door and think twice, but I have little faith in electorates making smart decisions.
We really can't - your oligarchs and other fascists have nukes.
This one you'll have to figure out internally, or we are all screwed. -
100% agreed. Fuck populists with a rusty rebar.
Please nuke us into oblivion
France, take us back. I don't care that I would have to learn the language and even then the francos would make fun of my pronunciation but not fucking England. Germany or Spain also works.
current usa leadership are as much americans as nazis were german. They are, but in such rotten way its like saying cancer is part of you.
Invite the Red Coats back so they can press reset.
That's sort of what happened last time. Then the people behind the propaganda begun trying to make it global because they realized how easy it was to tell that shit was hitting the fan from the outside. Not sure what will happen this time, it's not like one can easily tell how many have entrapped themselves in one of their bubbles.
I hope everyone is keeping tabs on those people. who they are.
for if the day ever comes. Those will be the first people taken care of.