Welp, I just apt purge'd damn near everything except the kernel. How's your Friday going?
See my top-level comment; even if they're ready for the complexity, it doesn't protect you from a similar mistake!
the truest form of Linux, without all the GNU bloat, well done!
Couple days ago I accidentally removed a package, not fully understanding what would happen. Ended up logging out thinking nothing of it. Couldn't log back in as there were zero sessions available. Also, for some reason a huge on-screen keyboard kept popping up a lot when I'd click on the login panels things.
I am very grateful my distro came with Timeshift by default and that I had a backup from the day before to fix everything. Also glad Rescuezilla allowed me to install Timeshift and restore.
Doesn't matter who you are or what you believe, it's definitely a rite of passage to break your system once. That is something I'll always agree with.
I'm not clear what you've done here, but I've never played with the purge command. I take it you removed a lot of basic packages. How did it happen? Wildcards?
I'd like to interject here...
You might want to look into Snapper: https://documentation.suse.com/smart/systems-management/html/snapper-basic-concepts/index.html
Booting from snapshots has pulled my chestnuts out of the fire a few times--between using a rolling release distro as my daily driver, and NVIDIA graphics not always behaving well in conjunction with that.
I did that. Since I had everything backed up to my nextcloud, I just pulled the Debian USB out of my backpack and razed what was left. Rebuilt on the rubble.
Yeah but, you're a towel.
I can't entirely recall the precise details now, but I was trying to uninstall Nvidia and Mesa packages to fix some driver issues. Some mesa-related packages were remaining, and I couldn't figure out why, so I manually typed their names in and purged them, then proceeded to watch python, the desktop environment — everything — all uninstall haha.
It was all just bloat anyways, who needs anything besides a kernel?