How do you browse Linkedin profiles without being logged in ?
That's one elaborative answer. Thank you for typing this all out. It sounds like a pain, but I think it's worth doing.
All that waiting period to get verified s crazy. Furthermore to view some profiles we need to be in their networking list ? that's even crazier.
Huh? In which country do you use LinkedIn? I created an account in Germany two years ago and did not have to do this.
It depends on their settings, but some people limit connections to friends and their friends' connections, so I think it's 3 degrees is the usual setting, bit can be set to 2 degrees.
The ID check ramped up prior to all the 2024 elections. It's worse in the US as there is no GDPR. But I've gotten that in Europe as well.
your welcome
You analogy is terrible.
A better one is handing out business cards everywhere you go but then expecting to know who looked at them and when.
Are you in marketing? This smacks of tracking links on emails so you can start ringing any customer who clicked on your spam because now they're a "lead".
I don't hand out bussiness cards to folks I don't know and I don't add people to my network I have not done bussiness with. I do not send people to my linkedin site or email for them to go see it. I mean in the end I don't care who sees my profile but if someon is trying to peek without beeing seen peeking then they are like someone who peeks and tries not to be seen peaking.
This is absolutely fascinating to me... That someone would go out of their way to make a public profile for people to view, but then expect to be notified whenever someone views it.
What's your goal with knowing who looked? Is it so you can return the favour and if it's a profile you find attractive start hitting them up for drinks after work? If it's a more powerful person in your industry, to start weaseling an invite to the exclusive country club they are part of? To see if it's some rube you can sell a box of widgets to? To climb the corporate ladder by mimicking their achievements?
FYI I just looked at your Lemmy profile. And I reckon I might do it again in a moment. Probably even take a screenshot... for later.
Ah, my sweet summer child.
LinkedIn knows when you use a VPN and won't let you pass the CAPCHA after you submit an email address. They've been militant about it for years.
Yeah, I'll admit, I deleted my LinkedIn years ago. Got tired of head hunters constantly messaging me regardless of what I did to try and stop it.
It sounds like a pain, but I think it's worth doing.
Or what about just, you know, avoiding any kind of thing that requires a LinkedIn account?