What's the underrated quote that will stick with you for life?
As in have low expectations of everything?
"Don't follow people - follow ideas" which seems more relevant today than ever before it seems.
This one’s my favourite
It’s always darkest before the dawn.
How I interpret it is that when things get bad, and reach a new level of bad, that could be just what is needed for the pendulum to swing the other way, and swing extra hard.
Kind of like a Great Depression giving labour laws kind of a thing.
Gives me hope.
More like be grateful for what you're given
That's much more wholesome!
I feel like this is most appropriate with politicians. No politician will be everything you want, but if they have a few policies you're into, they're worth your vote.
I think it applies outside of politics as well like art and even business.
Men are scared that women will laugh at them , women are scared that men will kill them.
Hold on tightly, let go lightly.
The Croupier in Croupier.
It doesn't come with extra instructions, so it means what I want it to mean and someone else may have it mean something else entirely. For me it means hold on to the important things tightly while they are important and when they aren't then it is time to let them and other things go.
Don't carry things that don't need to be held onto, especially if you can't control them. I hold onto the memories of my sister both good and bad, I embrace the pain of her not being here anymore when they come, then I let the pain go because I keep ahold of the happiness she brought into people's lives while she was here.
Totally fair.
"It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it." -Seneca
When we complain about not having enough time, we think of ourselves as being passively allocated an insufficient resource. But maybe the problem isn't that life is too short, but that we waste much of the time we're given.
I think this is relevant in these modern times more than ever. How much of our time goes to mindless scrolling, worrying about things beyond our control, or pursuing goals that don't truly align with our values? We should be thinking about the difference between being busy and spending time meaningfully.
And that's not to say all time spent should be something "productive". Leisure time can be meaningful. But I think it's worth even thinking about that. Are you truly happy with how you choose to spend your leisure time when you watch 100 short videos you probably won't even remember? Or when you sit there getting angry or depressed about article after article after article? I think it's worth thinking about.
I think it's a very interesting point. The whole concept of how fiction affects us is fascinating to me. Our idea of what it meant to be human used to come entirely from watching real people around us. Now we're exposed to hundreds of fictional characters, and we get to know some of them better than we know our actual friends. Despite objectively knowing they're fictional, they still influence our picture of what being a person means, because that's just how our brains work. I think most people have the feeling their own lives aren't as exciting or interesting or hilarious as they should be.
While that is true. i think it's more on a deeper level that everyone just wants to be loved.
Hmmm. I'll try to remember this one, thank you, that's a real gift.
Fortune favors the bold.
It was written in a graduation card from my grandfather.
I got two. First is just Hanlon's razor; "Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence"
The second one is a bit of a strange pick; its "But there's no sense crying over every mistake; You just keep on trying till you run out of cake."
It’s a poem by Stephen Crane, but so short I’m often reminded of it in full:
A man said to the universe:
”Sir, I exist!”
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation.”
It sounds nihilistic, but it’s somehow calming whenever I start to feel like I’ve been wronged or I’m owed a break of some sort.
I hate Hanlon's Razor. It's used as an excuse by and for too many malicious people lately.