Trump doesn’t seem to know why he launched a giant trade war
Because at his age it was easier than getting penis-enlarging surgery.
And everyone knows that global economics is a zero-sum game, and therefore a "trade imbalance" means "we're losing."
So fucking dumb. Simple-minded fucks.
It's not.
How do you practically exercise that right? Do you know how much money and time it would cost to attempt to go up against some multi-national corporation that scooped your comment up for their AI? Assuming you can even know it or prove it.
Synonym for the past 4 years tbh. But hey, I (as a non-American) would be okay with old but not insane president. Guess we got both this time around.
Stooge McCuck
I don't doubt the reputation of the writer or his general knowledge of economics...
But this is coping. The Trump administration is trying to wave their hands around and create a giant fuss for people like us and this writer to speculate on and create debates and panels to think about... while he and his people simply walk out of the white house with the treasury and all the inside investment opportunities they will ever want.
He's just making chaos, plain and simple. These ideas about his master plan to disrupt the world's reliance on the US dollar? Distraction and coping.
I agree this administration is more clever than we give them credit for, but any house thief can step up their game and pull of a heist when they set their mind to it, it's not some kind of magic skill. If anything, I think it's harmful to assume Trump is at all smart or has a plan because his ONLY plan is to make YOU think he has a plan.
My evidence? We've done all this fucking before, this is part 2 of a failure of a presidency. He didn't change the world before, he won't here. (Other than diminishing the US role in geopolitics so Russia can take center stage, all he really wants right now)
He is a Russian asset and has been since at least 2014
Intelligent market manipulation.
Not really intelligent, just blatant. He bet on the US and the NYSE enforcement mechanisms not actually working, and he won the bet. Same with Trump, except he bet against the US constitution.
It really feels like the kids of the people who carefully destroyed the checks and balances in the US and created a world order where they can quietly pull strings took over, and the kids don't understand the value of discretion and are just seeing what they can get away with.
But he was also intelligent. He presumed that the bulk of money out there is comically dumb money, and he played that mass to his benefit. I remember watching 5,6,7 years ago how he would deliberately make Tesla stock look bad in the short term, to lure in suckers to short with high leverage, only to promptly reverse it, destroy the shorts and use their capital to make a new all time high. All while perpetually rewarding those who just hold and trust the man at the helm.
If this method sounds familiar, it was also used by the Tether clan to propel Bitcoin. But with a healthy dose of freshly printed fake money as well.
I'm capable of doing so, if I want to. But again, its not my job to enforce it, I'm just availing myself to the laws protection, like all other citizens, corporation, or individual.
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So explain it
Because republicans want to fund the country entirely from tariffs instead of taxes.
Which worked out great for every country that has ever tried it.
That was how I made peace with Biden in the first place.
"You aren't voting for the man, you're voting for the cabinet and judges he appoints".
Atleast Biden's cabinet was more-or-less competent. I didn't always agree with them, but atleast there was a logic outside of "this will only benefit the obscenely rich/Russia"
Yeah. Dude knows exactly why he's weakening America as much and on every front as possible, it's just he can't exactly say the truth and isn't smart enough to effectively lie about it.
Market manipulation. If you can tank the stock market at a time YOU know well in advance, then you stand to profit "tremendously".
He or people in his stead might have purchased put options ahead of the anouncement of tariffs. -> profits
When he then says "it was just a prank brooo!" he can make money by buying the now devalued assets and sell them as soon as they recover.
rinse repeat.I smell market manipulation maybe I am mistaken this smell and it is really the smell of mental instability....
He has to be. I can't think of any other reason why he'd be trying to hard to antagonize and disrespect long-time allies, while praising Russia. He then made that ridiculous statement that Ukraine started the war, when Russia was the one who invaded them, and also said that Zelensky should be 'nicer' to Putin. But Putin, who ordered the attack that caused who knows how many deaths, shouldn't be 'nicer'?
There was also the first term, where Trump fired the FBI director over an investigation into Russia, and then told Russia that he fired 'that nut job'. What kind of message does that send to their own people? Not just that he fired the director, but that he bragged about it to the people he was investigating.
I honestly think most of the GOP knows, but they're too embarrassed to admit it. Or maybe it's just pride, they think it's beneath them to be held accountable to anyone.
Exactly this, Biden wasn't better health wise but surrounded himself with competent people.
Right now we have a fox news host leading defense, an anti-Vax moron handling a measles outbreak, a wrestling tycoon killing our education system, and more.