Trump is living in a Russian-made 'disinformation space,' says Ukraine's Zelenskyy
I mean, if you're gonna engage in disinformation then at least read the wikipedia page on whatever topic you are targetting so you can come up with something that's more believable. Disinfo is most effective when it is based on some true information taken out of context.
With “Ops” in the name, no less.
Is American supposed to mean anything when the Republicans are indoctrinated into Russian disinformation and salivating over a Putin 2.0?
American might as well mean Russian shill, and is being a woman supposed to mean anything? What does you gender have to do with your political affiliations.
Most people in crypto are drawn to it the same way people are to gambling apps. Politics means shit and it's just full of people chasing after get rich quick scheme and fixating the price and trying to convince people to keep buying so they can offload their bag. Who the hell plays up crypto like it's some liberal stance when it's been mainstream for years.
I think you are confusing Zelensky with Putin? The later’s enigmatic but substantial personal wealth is well reported.
As far as I’m informed people there don’t like and don’t trust Russia and Putin.
Not anymore. Much of America is stuck in an information space that sees Russia/Putin as oppressed by liberal propaganda, like they supposedly are.
Much of America doesn’t care, or will see warped versions of this news.
Look at poll exit interviews of Americans, or more recent focus groups. We don’t “see” the same realities anymore, and it’s getting worse.
Wherever you are, friend, beg your country to block or regulate Twitter/Facebook/Tiktok and point to us as what happens when you don’t.
(for those curious: the Ukrainian constitution prohibits electing a president during war, it’s especially hard with 20% of the country under hostile control; and regarding Zelensky’s rating, it’s about 70% currently)
A lot of Ukrainians have also fled the country, it makes no sense to organize this before ending the war. Why do we have to have this discussion? They are at war, marshal law is common during times of war to keep your country unified during these periods. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have vast oceans between them and their adversaries to allow for elections of their highest office to continue uninterrupted.
LOL nothing but lies
it has 'grown' to 57% and this from their own biased sources lie is that the constitution forbids elections:
Ukraine’s Constitution does not explicitly address the issue of wartime elections, except for Article 83(4) that provides for the extension of the Parliament’s powers until the day of the first meeting of the first session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (the Ukrainian Parliament), elected after the termination of martial law or state of emergency.
And really, it's not hard to hold an election.
Russia is not israel, they don't attack civilians (despite what similar liars to yourself will claim) and civilian infrastructure and life goes on.
Perfectly fine to hold elections.
The 20% is ethnic Russian and no longer ukraine, they wouldn't vote for him or the fascist Banderites that attacked them anyway.
Who knows, maybe the Americans can have another Nuland-Pyatt call and choose a president for them.
That worked out fine didn't it? -
Yep he's trying to fool everyone by stopping all aid WITH EXCEPTION ESPECIALLY FOR UKRAINE.
Still sends them weapons.
He unilaterally withdrew from the missile treaties with Russia (immensely aggressive and dangerous) and put missiles in Romania.It really makes sense doesn't it?
lol you have my old user name from a different platform. I didn’t blame it on Ukraine. If my mother abuses me and I become an abuser, is it my fault? Technically no? Is it my responsibility, yes. He didn’t ‘start a war’ but for Ukrainians, he’s the one responsible for resolving the issue.
The new npc insult.
How much time do you spend online a day?
Since you want to attack me instead of investigate, I’ll tell you why I mentioned gender. Sexiest commenters assumed I was a man so I corrected them to break a bias that only men would say what I say.
Because this isn't about fair elections, it's about getting a puppet government in charge who will just end the war freely by bending over for Russia. As if Putin and Trump actually care about fair elections... absolute clown show.
You mentioned it because they were rightly calling out your obvious bias and misrepresentation. And that was tiniest smallest shred of anything you could push back on. No more no less. And to this point you have still not defended your possession in any way shape or form. Simply playing off imagined sexism and bigotry pretending to be the victim. Just like you're pretending that Ukrainian isn't.
As someone with the ability to read, you're either lying or potentially disclosing information you shouldn't be. According to this article on the literal DOE's website, the average age of our nukes is 28, not 40.
Russia is not israel, they don’t attack civilians
wow, yeah enough said, no need discussing anything further with the likes of you
Can we start calling Trump supporters Commies now, I feel that would make them mad.
Hard agree. Trump is a good salesman but his weakness is his refusal to play the media. Zelenskyy is a master at media.
Right, and the puppet in charge will be rather obvious. The only other candidate that would win in a fair Ukrainian election is even more aggressive about opposing Russia than Zelenskyy, but since this is going to be rigged neither of those will win.
I mansplain the state of America nukes to people who don’t even know why America is behind on nukes but still a nuclear leader, not even one intellectually, curious or inquisitive mind in a bunch. This platform isn’t even old enough for bots yet.