ICE Wants to Know If You’re Posting Negative Things About It Online
Are they gonna deport usan based on genetics tests? Like if someone is 2% Irish, they will be reported to Ireland? Kinda Dictature like and anti free speech
Fuck ICE
I.C.E. is obviously overstepping their boundaries here and needs to be pared down.
Someone should get on publishing EFF's surveillance avoidance tactics in all the languages...or at least teach the immigrants in their lives to make sure to use throw-away emails, prepaid sim cards and pseudo-identities to criticize government.
Genuinely it's not hard to not provide real world information online; you just keep your identities separated by a few things first. VPNs and Tor help as well to prevent tapping into data.
currently the tactic is to deport you if you cannot 'prove citizenship' (Produce US passport, Birth Cert) while you are other words you must have some way of accessing your personal goods/records while not being able to physically do so- and if you can't then off you go.
you don't get to call a lawyer because that's a right only reserved for US citizens.
I mean, don't American Irish already self-report at every opportunity?
What is this org?
well shiet, now ice wants to know about you
Nope, i'm out.
As an American Irish person I can confirm. Also, please deport me to Ireland, it'd be so much cheaper to escape this clown show hellhole.
Our very own Allgemeine SS. Lovely.
What's ICE, that's a difficult acronym to search?
Immigration customs enforcement.
Straight up autocracy shit
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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement -
Immigration and Customs Enforcement. It's been (IMO) illegally used and weaponized against the US American people for decades. ICE constantly uses unconstitutional tactics to detain, interrogate, and hurt people.
My great, great Grandma was an illegal immigrant from a country that no longer exists and a city that is now in Poland, though she spoke and considered herself German. So where would I go, modern Germany? Poland? Neither would take me. So probably just sent to die at a work camp.
Hey ice, tongue my fart box, I'm on the toilet and haven't wiped yet.