What will be the impact of a North American trade war?
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Cheap eggs!
It’s a bold move Cotton, let’s see if it pays off.
.. cuts nose to spite face ..
Increased popcorn sales worldwide.
Who is spider face?
"DEI" is to blame for the eggs. -s
I don’t see how this lasts long. The orange traitor cunt will suffer immediate political blowback and back down, like he did when tried to freeze federal grants.
Don't count on it
He is demonstrably weak, confused and incompetent.
Ah, that's the reason for the witch hunt und Tanja people. So there will be more eggs!
Endless suffering. Which, surprisingly, is what conservatives want.
(Just not for themselves... It's just so hard to make policies that only target the people they hate! Why must reality be so unlike their fantasies of how the world works‽)
That’s part of the plan. Their allies must suffer in order to keep the suffering-derived hate pointed at the right victims.
Just wait until Trump finds out about trans fats in his hamberders….