An Iraqi man who carried out several Quran burnings in Sweden has been killed
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Haha. So you mean that the locally elected are so ass-backwards corrupt that the Taliban seem better.
Yeah that seems about right. No wonder Afghanistan is a shit hole.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
So you admit the Taliban is better than the pedos "locally elected" by the US.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Never said that. I said that the afghans chose poorly, why would they choose a pedo? And now they're stuck living under muslim theocracy. Mainly fuled by Pakistan.
If that is what they want, fine. But then they objectively live in an unfree, cruel and dysfunctional society. They can keep it.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
why would they choose a pedo
Because they did not. The local war lords were funded, armed and chosen by the US.
You keep going in circles to deny this fact because admitting this fact destroys everything you believe in.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Oh shit, so the warlords WERE local. Thank you, thats all i needed to know.
From watching that doc, it looks as the Americans are trying to help and none was received. Like the first shot, they try to explain how hygiene works, likely cause the afghans dont know, and they just say "idiot, show how mines work". Animals. But i guess they were the only ones that wanted to fight for "freedom"
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Good to know you support arming and funding pedo rapists who rape little children.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Good thing that you apparently support stoning women and publicly executing those who disagree with you.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Oops sadly I never defended that. You on the other hand...
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Yeah, you kinda did.
But i guess the best option they got is murder or rape. I'd call them both detestable and disgusting, but you don't seem to have any issue with sharia. That much is obvious. And it's a bad look.
Does it feel good to know that your good book together with the Bible accounts for more pain and suffering than anything in the history of humanity?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Don't be coy, you know perfectly nwell what I mean.
He was murdered because of religious persecution.
I've burned thousands of Qurans, it's quite easy, you just download one and copy it a thousand times on a USB. Should I deserve death now too at the hands of extremist sky daddy worshippers?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I'm not being coy. You can do whatever you like, and no, you don't "deserve death" for that. But the idea that you are being persecuted is in your imagination. Do I deserve death if I piss on the motorcycle of a Hells Angel? Am I persecuted if I am beaten for it? There was zero reason (other than provocation) for burning those Korans. He intended to provoke, and he succeeded. Congratulations.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
there was zero reason for burning those Korans
You are either spectacularly naive, or just plain lying your ass off, or you're just trolling and honestly I'm not sure which it is.
He burned those Korans because one must be able to do that without being murdered. I am all against book burning but when a single book is burned to prove a point, I'm all for it.
In this case, the point was made by Muslims that they're insane terrorist skydaddy believers who will murder anyone they disagree with. Fuck. That. Shit.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
You will never live in a world where there are not consequences for your actions, whether those consequences are right or wrong. People get offended, sometimes violently so, over all kinds of things. What point did this guy prove? "Muslims" didn't kill him, one Muslim did.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
But i guess the best option they got is murder or rape. I’d call them both detestable and disgusting, but you don’t seem to have any issue with sharia. That much is obvious. And it’s a bad look.
I do not recall arguing that position. But rejoice, as most suffering in world history has taken place in the last century under the glories of atheism.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
So you are okay with these consequences?
Because id you're not, why do you keep defending murder "because he had it coming"?
The guy proved the point that Muslims, as a group, are violent whenever you touch their religion. If you say this isn't true then by all means, go to Afghanistan and shout "fuck Allah!"
All religions are backwards, but at the very least Christianity mostly has grown up, be it by force as we no longer tolerate it's once violent behavior. At least today I CAN say "fuck jesus". I won't, and basically nobody does, because there is no need. This guy burned the Koran BECAUSE of how violent Muslims are. It's to make a point and if you don't see that point you're blind. Maybe you should read up on Salman Rushdie? Maybe Theo van Gogh?
Why do you tolerate and defend violence form Muslims? I take it you are Muslim?
And if you start with "you're generalizing, you're discriminating" then please, read up about their behaviour over the past 5 decades. Muslims as a group are know to currently be the most violent of all religions. All religions have weird wardrobe requirements but leave it up to the Muslims to require women to completely hide themselves from the world because they only exist to lead you to sin! And then they compare it to candy in a wrapper or some shit. Fuck. That. Shit.
The world would be off a LOT better without religions, but of all religions, Islam is the worst.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
It sounds like you are an edgy teenage neckbeard, or a very thinly disguised racist. Go to a country bar in Mississippi and scream "fuck Donald Trump" or go to the Thai royal palace and scream "fuck the king". Go to Compton in Los Angeles and scream racial slurs. I mean, you have to go do that to prove you are free, right? For most normal people, there is zero compulsion to do any of those things. At what point would you stop feeling "persecuted" about any of those things? If there is only one individual in the world, whom you could offend to the point of violence, is that still too much? You must feel very persecuted indeed.