Wikipedia Prepares for 'Increase in Threats' to US Editors From Musk and His Allies
I think Wikipedia is a could we to judge a country. As soon as the government tries to fuck with Wikipedia they are 100% assholes and anyone who is not also an asshole should not support/vote for them.
And I'm prepare to rise my monthly donation. We need to protect wiki.
In case anyone else was curious, yes, you can download a dump of Wikipedia -
He's not one of those immigrants
He is rich tough.
Give it another decade. We'll be praying 24/7/365 for a return of the democracy we had. And I'm not exaggerating.
Nazis. What does the United States do with Nazis? Historically speaking of course.
There's a reason it sounds like that.
rubbing some brain cells together.
Doesn’t that cause a seizure
Wikipedia & Internet Archive should definitely move their legal bodies to EU.