Least regrettable but most unconventional liquid to take a bath in?
Cold press is the method, extra virgin means first pressing. After the first go, you start to get more baby juices and solids mixed in with the oil.
It's someone's fetish for sure
Alcoholic beverages
- white wine (but a dip into red would be interesting)
- beer, for the carbonation
- champagne, for the bubbles and the decadence of it
Other liquids
- sparkling water, a jacuzzi without one
- rose water (for those who don't know, it is sickly sweet smelling and very persistent and can be food grade)
- oil, like sunflower, olive or any other of the like. After, just scrape you body, like the ancient athletes would do
Actually because of the density you wont be able to sink more than about 1/6th of your body into it.
I had no idea a single symbol existed for an interrobang?!
I read these to my husband and he said "an oil bath sounds like it would be good for your skin but you'd be all slipping around and unable to get out then you'd drown." While flailing his arms around as a visual aid.
What happens if I make a me espresso using me soup?
It absolutely does‽
Sleepytime tea
We need to convince the billionaires that this is the cool thing for them to do...
Oh I'm a huge fan.
So, if you laid on a large enough block of it, you'd have the perfect shape to make a mold for a customized foam mattress?
My goodness, that's almost a bucket list item.
Hmm. I wonder how steeped would be best for maximum soothing. Unless it's a heated tub there would be a real art to the timing even once you know.
I feel like this is worth uploading to Lemmy. It's an image, apparently from October 1972's National Geographic, of a Spanish miner floating on Mercury:
It's denser than lead, so he's just sitting on the top of it like a block of styrofoam would on water. The effect of gallium would not be quite so pronounced, but same idea. This is also why you can't really drown in quicksand unless you work at it (which, if you completely panic, isn't impossible).
Meanwhile, you sink straight to the bottom in anything like oil, with no hope of swimming.
Define "good."
I suspect there's an easier choice, if a dense bed is all you need. Every liter of the stuff goes for 872 USD as of 2019. And that's not even bad, considering how rare it is and how great the semiconductors you can make with it are. It's neighbor Germanium is another digit up.
Wait, would it work as a contraceptive, then?
It's actually referred to by the longer aspic in Shakespeare (alongside some very questionable herpetology), which is the main place I imagine there would be influential Cleopatra rhymes in English. According to Wikipedia, they're both the same snake anyway.
The unit analysis checks out.
It's also grown on aluminum rather than applied as a paint IIRC. You'll have to go with basic hardware store stuff if you want to go for a dip, probably.