Senior Conservative MP says UK must consider possibility ‘Trump is a Russian asset’ -
I mean yeah, but at least the rest of the world is calling it out this time around. America fell, but they can pull together and be stronger for it.
I think as we've seen multiple times treason doesn't count for Trumpler period.
Maybe they should try looking a bit closer to home with that they were rescued from bankruptcy by Russian oligarch donations and one of their favoured sons awarded a position in the House of Lords to the billionaire son of a former KGB director!
I agree. Not saying it did. History will tell though.
If they're saying this out loud, then they have been considering it for a while.
If they're saying it out loud they're certain and they consider it expedient to make it common knowledge.
Asset may be a bit strong. Theres every chance he's simply in their pay for some issues/events and there's nothing to stop him ignoring them when it suits him. I'd imagine he's rinsing them for money and believing that he's getting the best of the situation. America and the American people only pawns in trump's latest scams.
Yeah, the Krasnov stuff is somewhat funny in a dark way, but he definitely serves Russian good over US good, whether he’s an official asset or not. If his actions are treasonous, does it matter whether he’s been recruited?
Yeah, when the Krasnov thing first got published, I said something to the effect of, "I would skeptical of explosive, unverified claims like this because they may be disinformation, and either way there's more than enough evidence that Putin has control of Trump." Then someone accused me of being a Russian asset because everyone has brain poisoning now.
I doubt it will have an effect. He's already won
Honestly, why does it matter? Why not just focus on his policy and his actions? Trump is a fascist, oppressing liberties, defunding public services, and carrying out immensely harmful policy. Why the need to attribute that to a third country? Trump is only bad if he does these things because he's a Russian asset? If he did this all because of his oligarch friends, and the desire for imperialism in the USA, and the increasingly openly right wing governments in all of the western world, it would still all be wrong.
There's no need to summon le evil people from the east to objectively analyse the evil policy of Trump, and I don't understand why you guys need a racist dogwhistle to do so when he is literally every single day walking alongside someone who did two fascist salutes in the inauguration.
America, not the world
You can bet the Five Eyes are already redacting what they share with the USA
If this Russian support structure isn’t recognized and dealt with, Trump just be replaced by the next Russian stooge.
I 100% agree, but what makes me scratch my noggin' is the fact that people in London finance have (jokingly?) nicknamed the City of London as "Londongrad" because there's so much Russian money. Makes it feel like the entire 1% is a Russian asset, which can't be right.
Trump was democratically elected, what are your plans against that?
The USA could use a new electoral system with proportional representation and a new constitution with a weaker president and stronger checks and balances. The two party system needs to end. Laws surrounding political advertising and public financing of political parties should be introduced to get some money out of politics.
Replace common law with civil law to no longer depend on precedent so much. Finally introduce the metric system while you’re at it.
In a broken system full of voter suppression. What was your point? Ahh yes, to legitimize a con man.
...which the democrats upheld during the entirety of the elections. Are the Russians behind the dems too?
So was Hitler. Thing is, natural law and positive law can diverge significantly, meaning ctitizens will sometimes have to organize against the products of positive law to preserve their decency and freedom.