Mullvad's privacy-focused search engine Leta is now free for all users | Leta acts as a proxy for Google and Brave search results
And Searx
It's also underselling what they are providing.
You get to skip all the AI garbage, all the sponsored links, and the "what other people are asking" sections and just go straight to the search results.
Privacy is the primary selling point, but the clean "old school" google interface is what I'm really excited about. I've set my default search in the browser to Leta for now.
While this is nice, I would really like to see more fully independent options that are not just a proxy for Google/Bing. I realize that is a lot easier said than done, but this kind of solution is not providing a real alternative in anything but name only. Google/Microsoft fully control the APIs being used. so things this only exists so long as those they are trying to provide an alternative for allow them to exist. Which will not scale if they are anything but a blip on the radar.
They were bought by a shady company a while back.
They were bought by a shady company a while back.
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]
@[email protected]So....I guess it kinda seems like a .gif vs .gif sorta situation, we'll never come to a consensus, there will forever be disparate camps chuckling under their breath at all the "idiots" that can't even pronounce SearXNG right...the fools.....
Well, guess I'll sleep on it and join a camp some day.... le sigh
Searching. XNG makes the "Ching" sound in some languages.
If there's no method of exploitation then you haven't found a vulnerability. You're just describing how the system works.
Oh snap. I had no idea!
System1 specifically, which is also mentioned in the article you linked.
Funny you say that, because my only complaint about this search engine is that it's missing the AI "garbage". I suppose I could just go directly to Gemini but it was convenient getting a quick answer without having to use two separate websites.
Gemini is wrong quite often. You shouldn't rely on it to tell you facts.
If I need to double check it, then it's worthless to me.
Thankfully I don't rely on it for "facts", just for a quick summary on something or to get a definition of a word. Something like that.
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