Ontario slapping 25% surcharge on U.S.-bound electricity Monday, Ford says | RCI
Just cut off the oil, that would do it.
Trump himself signed the treaty that he now claims is unfair. The US doesn't have respect for honour, the law, or even reality anymore. They voted in a criminal to be their President, they have no respect for anything except money now.
There is no promise or treaty that will bring this to a conclusion forever.
No, but the other two are, and New York in particular is a very notable blue state.
Life Pro Tips:
To USA Residents: If electricity is too expensive, you could always save money by shiplifting
(go for the big corporate chains)
Unfortunately, the dumbest ~70 million Americans got together and ruined it for everyone.
Trump is just one guy, but he's the fart filled turd floating on top of a long stream of raw sewage.
Is that so? In my experience (obviously it depends on the company) American made is, like, one of the gold standards? I've never had issue with American made things
Again, I'm sure it depends on the product, and I may just have bias because I meticulously research just about everything before I buy, so I may just be buying the really good US made stuff, and most other things are crap, idk. Just like Germany and Japan have things that they really excel in; Australia too, etc.
Yeah, you simply can't micromanage policies to effect another country to that granularity. It's why people should think carefully about who they elect to represent their country to the rest of the world. The US elected a criminal to represent them, so they have to expect they're going to feel some pain by their association with that criminal, whether they voted for him or not.
Take cars, for example. Americans don't export their cars on the same level as Japan or even South Korea because their cars are shit.
I have a friend who used to sell rental car insurance and he'd tell me that it's the American cars that always break down.
Buying AmericanTM is just propaganda for useful idiots. I guarantee you most people who are afraid of foreign products or tout American-made quality are simply talking from a lack of experience. They're afraid of what they don't know and don't want to have an experience that might show them they're wrong.
Brit here, I make sure to try and pay more attention and avoid American products now
Do what you have to do it's all good. I'm going to be part of the brain drain in this country. My wife and I are POC we are guaranteed first class tickets to death camps or be made slaves for existing. Our populations have been marginalized and kicked in the ribs for centuries. We have no reason to fight or to 'stay and fix the country' any more than the German Jews of last century did. I don't want to be made responsible for what racist whites have enabled to happen in this country.
DTE in shambles
Yeah, I'm discouraged to even buy American because Trump and the Republicans have basically turned that into a nationalist policy. I used to love buying American and local, but it feels gross to think that I'm supporting their agenda.
Not enough, it should be 100% and another thing if we have a surplus that we sell, why the fuck is electricity so expensive in Ontario!?
Alberta makes all their money off oil, most pipelines dip down into the US because Native groups have a fit whenever pipelines attempt to cross certain provinces. Michigan has the same fit about those pipelines, but that's mostly because ships dropping anchor over the pipelines and the ecological disaster that would occur makes them uneasy. Everyone wants oil, but until the world turns into Minecraft and we learn to send liquids wirelessly, someone's fucked.
The era of US-Canada being brothers in arms is over. I doubt US will be receiving any favors in the future without something in return. And if Canada chooses to expand their supply chains outside of the US, which they 100% should, there’ll be no coming back to a scale of trade as it exists today.
I've got quite the resume and I've been having trouble finding sponsors overseas. I would love to be a part of the brain drain.
I'm about to get my Mexican permanent residency 🥳
No offense but Trump would welcome these on highly liberal Minnesota and New York and be impartial to Michigan. These are not affecting conservative states.
Yes, and we even have a lot of interprovincial trade issues. Although with what is happening with the US, we are trying to simply cross provincial trading.