Skyblivion, the fan remake of Oblivion in Skyrim's engine, nears completion
Couldn't you just kill primary quest givers and be locked out of the game?
How? I don't care how long a game takes to make, I want it to be good.
The level up system was bad. The thrust/chop/slash system for weapons is awkward. Every attack costing stamina is bad for early characters. The excessive number of weapon categories, combined with short and long blades being the only ones that were common. The persuasion system was just bribe people to get what you want, or taunt them for free murder. Run speed being a skill, jumping being faster than running and being a skill as well (combined with the level system this can cause problems). Item durability in general. The encumbrance system, and containers having weight limits. The spell making and enchantment system had some cool things, but it was also trivial to break the game in multiple ways. The quest tracking and journaling was garbage. Alchemy was undercooked. Merchants had way too little gold so selling became annoying by mid level. The haggling quickly got annoying as you could sell at extreme markup or buy for nothing fairly easy. Magicka didn't regenerate, so being a mage was annoying at early levels until you had sufficient potion access.
There's also some things that are more bugs I think than bad mechanics. Stealing from a merchant flagged every copy of an item as stolen from them. I once managed to make every redoran guard hostile to me on sight, which got really annoying.
Both very soon after release by an update which was specifically designed to break the mod.
I'm now curious about this from a technical perspective - how did the update specifically break their mod in particular? Were they doing a bunch of custom DLL hooks or something?
I know with Skyrim SE modding it's usually that any update breaks SKSE and a tiny handful of other mods that directly hook DLLs or the executable (these mods are usually scripting engine extensions and are a dependency for a variety of other mods), and depending on the update sometimes it takes longer than average to get a new version of those running (the AE update was one of those because they switched compiler version and that broke the method SKSE was using to find hooks). But in general that only breaks 1) mods using those (think SkyUI) until a new version comes out, after which most of those mods start working again without the individual mods needing an update and 2) mods that include their own plugin DLL, (think SkyClimb) which have to wait on an update and then compile a new version of the DLL for the new version of both the game and the other mod, because addresses and functions they are hooking may have changed. Mods not using SKSE or similar generally run just fine between versions of SSE (including AE).
The fact you have to start your comment with multiple don't do X things proves my point. As a story it's great, but as a game it's got a lot of problems.
The tippy part is they go off the OG lore so Cyrodiil is a more tropical/Mediterranean climate which is fun.
Fucking Thalmor denying the power of Talos of Atmora.
Seriously though, the canon explanation for Cyrodiil being the way it is now as opposed to original lore is that when Talos achieved CHIM he changed it, because that's a thing you can do with the secret syllable of royalty. All part of the path to mantling Shor/Lorkhan via one of the Walking Ways and forging an empire.
Bethesda released (announced, maybe?) a mod-beeaking patch 24 hours before the mod was to be released.
The game tells you these things though. You have to pay attention.
It’s an RPG before it is an action game. The mechanics align with that - you just might not like traditional CRPGs - which is fine, most don’t which is why Bethesda basically dropped the pretense of their games being RPGs by Skyrim.
You think they intentionally released a patch just to screw over some mod devs?
I honestly don't know - I have no evidence one way or the other.
However, FO:London was in development for a long time (years?), and Bethesda decided to release a patch right before its release, b/c the TV show got popular and they wanted to say the game was still in development?
Maybe it wasn't specifically to "screw over some mod devs," but it didn't help the community one bit.
You're not wrong honestly. Some how they spend so long making games and they still seem like they need another 2 years in the oven.
WTF are you smoking? It was not "specifically designed to break the mod". It was specifically designed to coencide with the Fallout TV series on of Amazon prime.
Yes. Many people view that as a positive thing.
A positive thing to be able to accidentally not be able to progress in the story?
With Bethesda you can never really tell if it is deliberate malice or simply their typical blistering incompetence. But the end result is the same either way.
A positive thing to let you experience the consequences of your actions. You are ignoring the fact that the game explicitly tells you when this happens, giving you the choice to continue if you like. It's actually more forgiving than dying in most RPGs, which would force you to reload from a previous save.
Oblivion paintbrushes will get me up there just fine.
This is why people censor the word "G*mer"
How breaking was it? I guess that's more important context
It broke the mod to where it took FOLON (the mod creators) weeks to fix before they could release it.
It was a considerable setback.