Which browser do you use and why?
No I did not say that. Do you recommend people to use the default settings?
Been using zen for a few days with ublock, no issues so far but I might go back to librewolf soon even though it feels less modern. It just feels safer, idk tbh
So it's the same as if your were using a fork nah? The only difference is that mozilla does know that you use a Firefox browser because telemetry is disabled
No, it's not the same. Floorp users are not having that default. I repeat the question that you didn't answer yet:
would a search engine be willing to pay Mozilla to have them be a default search engine if it (stock Firefox) had no users?
This needs to be higher up. We need firefox as an alternative to a chrome engine monopoly. ToS and telemetry are miniscule issues compared to what we are up against
Firefox is literally the last thing standing between google controlling the entire browser landscape and having control over all web standards (as if they dont already have too much influence)
People ditching firefox over tos, telemetry, AI, CEO pay, etc. are cutting off their nose to spite their face. Do i wish mozilla would stop doing stupid shit? Of course. But the alternative is far worse. Dont let perfect be the enemy of good. Mozilla will never be as ideologically pure as we want them to be, but that's OK (for now)
I am surprised by the lack of people mentioning brave, i swear it used to be mentioned everywhere.
Did something happen or did a newer better browser come out?
I moved to LibreWolf back when Mozilla announced AI features
I appreciate its privacy-focused approach
No prob at all dude! I just wanted to add the additional context in case some other persons stumbled upon these comments, were confused, and so they can get some more information on different browser options out there. Candidly, I only learned about Mull vs Mullvad Browser this week when I was researching what non-chromium browser to switch to next.
I think there is a generaal consensus to say it's not ARC
It's chromium, thus evil, according to the narrow minded community.
great point
Zen Browser
I love it -
It sucks ass, it's just chrome plus some crypto bullshit.
Still Firefox. Every time Mozilla does anything the entire privacy community goes insane. The terms of use they published seem entirely benign, and the only thing anyone can actually point to is the "direction being worrisome". Well, I'll get worried when they update the terms to be actually onerous. Everything even possibly annoying can be disabled, and it's still the only browser engine offering competition against Chrome ruling the web.
I read the new language to mean: they are going to record your input streams and feed them to AI/LLM - thereby recording your previously private info that they used to discard and protect. Up to you, I use Chrome because it integrates well with the gmail account I've used for 25+ years and I appreciate the "login anywhere and get your same setup" functionality, as well as the ability to nuke remote login sessions.
Thanks for the info!
Depends on which way the Firefox ditchers jump - jumping to Chrome, yeah... not great. Jumping to more privacy respecting options... it's your data, you should be able to choose (if you care...)
To an extent, the enshittification of the most popular platform is inevitable.
Read the post above mine... "Privacy respecting options" are almost always downstream forks of firefox. Abandon/kill the source, and downstream dries up