Day 208 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
Me and my friend continued our Halo Legendary Difficulty "project". Now that Halo 2 is done, we're making lightning speed on Halo 3. We've gone from almost half a year for the entirety of Halo 2, too 3 more levels left of Halo 3. I also just found out that Halo 3 has 4 player multiplayer, so i'll have to recruit a few extra friends for that.
One particular spot we struggled on a bit today was this Scarab.
We couldn't get it's legs to drop for some reason no matter how hard we hit it. So i grabbed a choppper and ramped it over the top of the thing and hopped out midair to land on it midway through like something out of an Action Movie. I also couldn't use any special tools to get up because i was saving the Grav Lift for a skull later in the level. It was a fun and epic moment. It always seems like something happens in this area, as when me and my friend went through this area on a normal mode playthrough, my Tank i was driving just tripped out and started spinning like a beyblade and sent me flying off the edge. I was laughing too hard too be upset about a bug like that.
There was also this section, which you need to take a stair case to get down from to a lower level. With the opening cutscene with how far Chief falls and how he doesn't seem to take fall damage in this game, i though "well, i bet i could probably survive the fall". Turns out, chief cannot survive that fall. His plot armor must be cutscene only sadly.
Me and my friend have been following a quota of 2 levels a day due to time constraints, tomorrow we talked about doing 3 though just to finish up Halo 3. I'm excited to get to 4 though and finish up reach. Reach i've heard good things about, and though from what i understand 4 isn't very popular, i'm excited to give it an earnest try.
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Halo 3 is a lot of fun, and it's got some brilliant setpieces, but in terms of plot it's always felt a bit of a rush job.
Even so, I love it to bits and it occupied many memorable evenings between 2008-2010. Definitely a much easier Legendary experience than Halo 2.
Yea 3 is amazing, especially in coop. Physics glitches are almost canonical ! Reach you will have a great time with too, it's less space opera and more saving pvt ryan but the narrative is intense and beautiful. 4 isn't bad, but the second to second combat is way less varied and fun than previous games, specifically the new enemies. Perhaps it shines in coop, I don't know
Am I the only one who had an easier time with Halo 2 legendary?
are you playing on PC? I think you said you were. Have you tried using Steam's built in game recording/clipping feature? You coulda grabbed a sick cinematic clip of your flying chopper! Godspeed Chief o7
Halo 2 is famously the most difficult legendary campaign in the entire series
I miss Tsavo Highway
Is this from Hello: The Mister Chef Collective?
My anecodotal evidence agrees. Somewhere between the jackal sniper one-shot deaths and the rampaging brutes soaking up all your ammo it becomes difficult not to throw things, and I swear I am generally a calm person. I play dark souls to relax.
Oh shit. I was thinking to myself “I wish I got that on a clip with steam”. I just remembered forge sexists though. I wonder if I could clip the replay through that?
Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but Halo 3’s vibe is one of my favorites. The plot feels a bit short for some reason but I really like it, especially the multiplayer
I’ve heard good things about reach, especially the ending. I played the first few levels the other day when it was the only Halo game installed and I just wanted to play some Halo with my friend. I’m excited to get too it though
If you have any tips I’d greatly appreciate it. I plan on doing a solo run of legendary some day and I’m not sure if I could handle it lol
The Elites in the first few level gave me so much trouble. It wasn’t until I heard the Plasma Pistol tip that I actually started to make any progress. We spent like two weeks of and on trying the first level alone
Yeah. I have a disk copy of Halo 3 and ODST for 360, but I’m scared that mine will Red Ring so I try to avoid playing until I can properly maintenance it. The online multiplayer is super nice though
When I did a legendary Combat Evolved solo run, there were one or two speedrunning strats I borrowed. Probably could do the same for H2 - one of the later levels, you can skip entirely if you do it right.
Yes. I've completed every Halo game up to 4 on Legendary and 2 was by far the worst. It's a miracle my controller survived without getting smashed to pieces.
its been a while since ive played halo 2, these may be a little wrong
- run up to wall and look down and enemy cant see you because your head is in wall
- double tap Y when the mag gets put in the gun to reload faster (this also works in halo ce)
- iirc if you cloak and then enter a vehicle you still have cloak
- if you make an elite outside hotel zanzibar mad you can kill him for energy sword
- at the very beginning of outskirts you can jump on a light up to the roof and then grenade jump up and you can jump across rooftops to skip the a chunk of the level
- sniper jackals dont have perfect accuracy, i dodged a few shots one time
- its best to attack the sniper jackals either before/right when they see you or after theyve shot twice
- on the original xbox version you can go through walls if you hump a box around 8 times (you should see the camera jump a little each time if you did it right)
- in that snowy arbiter level near the end with flood everywhere you can wiggle the ghost into that burnt wreckage area
- throw grenade when you punch regret
- i think sometimes the flood get stuck in the pits they spawn in
- when elites (including ones with swords) try to melee you, you can dodge it and backsmack them but iirc their melee hitbox is kinda janky and big
The first two are definitely helpful. Cover and Reload times were the two things i struggled with most on Halo 2 (and CE a bit too)
I'll have to look into the level skip, because that could be really handy for H2