Why more young men in Germany are turning to the far-right
Stupid ? All youngsters all around the world are stupid then.
Yeah, you got it!
A desperate belief that they are impoverished because they need to compete with an ethnic out group and a belief that the out group is taking their shit, murdering them, and stealing/raping their women.
Even though its largely due to capitalism and technologically induced paranoia & loneliness.
They kind of are though. There's a reason the word Sophomore exists and is used to describe students multiple times in their education career.
(Historically it means wise fool or; conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature)
Probably not. But individuals on TikTok are definitely denying themselves an opportunity to get smarter.
To be honest, a large percentage of people are intellectually very lazy (they use emotion to decide) and prone to being manipulated.
A large percentage of people hunger for a sense of belonging and community (which extreme nationalism and a tribal attitude can offer).
In the wasteland of corporate algorithmically steered social media (prime examples: TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)... people who don't have an analytical mindset will get themselves shut in a bubble, and subsequently tricked and conned in various ways.
Brick and mortar social problems like a reduced chance of earning a good living by selling one's labour - those pile on top of that.
Because capitalism, as a system, is a machine that in the "best" of cases enables fascism, and in the worst it just outrights converts into fascism.
For decades, although nowadays is even more pronounced, young people have been deprived of a decent future in all senses; educational, social, economic, environmentally... At the same time that they were being bombarded, figuratively and literally, with fake news, guilt riddled articles, and a myriad of macho values that they are still supposed to uphold.
These young men worldwide are a byproduct of capitalism and patriarchy, and unless we collectively can do something, they will also become the first disposable pawns in the wars to come.
P.S: Sorry for the dark post, sometimes is difficult to see the brighter side of things.
P.S2: Yes, I also whistled Monty Python's The Life of Brian in my head after typing the first P.S.
The poor are getting poorer, the rich are getting richer. Somehow, the rich have convinced some of the poor, that the reason they're getting poorer is because of the other poors (who are also getting poorer).
Well that's... dedication! Damnit I'm gonna have to watch that now...
Because capitalism is actually threatened by leftism, so the system actively suppresses it.
And I have no idea what should I be doing.
- Finding other people who feel the same way
- Organizing/structuring your common discussion and research. I feel like I've seen 100 comment sections like this one where people see the problem, the commenters then speculate about the causes/solutions, and then the convo fizzles out. Every day under a new post, again and again. There is clearly manpower and a will to do something, it is just IMHO suffering from structurelesness. The conversation needs to be had once and thoroughly, in some central location that everyone can be referred to. One centralized discussion I have seen is about the democratic side of the problem and it's over at https://plurality.net/ (it is a crowd sourced work co-written using github). I think the political/economic side of the debate would benefit from piggybacking off of an existing centralized platform devoted to the cause, like https://generalstrikeus.com/ or some trade union.
Astrology and homeopathy doesn’t even begin to fucking compare with nazism
sooooo...ummmm...here's the craziest thing; hold on, you're not gonna believe this:
the nazis were SUPER into astrology, homeopathy, and similar shit!
nazi occultism is essential to nazi ideology, so not only are these concepts intimately intertwined, they form one of the pillars on which nazi iedology is built: "alternate science"
"alterantive science", "aryan science", or whatever else it's called (it doesn't actually matter, all of it is the exact same shit: NOT science), is an important part of fascist power structures in that it serves as a vehicle to legitimize the crazy racist and supremacist shit they want to believe.
phrenology, homeopathy, eugenics, and all the rest of the dogmatic bullshit played a major role in the 3rd reich by delegitimize the "jewish science".
sound familiar? it should!
the modern equivalent is "woke science", which, you know, is just regular science...
so, no, nazi ideology doesn't "compare" to astrology and homeopathy: those are essential parts of nazism and the associated anti-intellectualism!
(ExtraHistory has a recent video series on the topic of nazi occultism; it's on youtube and nebula, if you're interested to learn more!)
Also, why do you call out astrology but not christianity?
not sure how it would play out nowadays, especially in the U.S., but in the 3rd reich the church was a significant source of resistance against nazi rule.
the reasons for that include the church having a vested interest in keeping some control over the population and it's own propaganda, but the vast majority of resistance came from individual clergy members refusing to bow to the cruelty of the nazis, and defending their communities.
these priests resisted both directly and indirectly, rallied rebels, organized smuggling operations, provided meeting places, sheltered refugees, sabotaged, and generally made the jobs of the nazi oppressors that much harder.
many, MANY clergy members were murdered by the nazis for their resistance, and quite a few officially received martyrdom status, and a few are regarded as national heroes for their efforts!
so i'm an atheist, vehemently against the church and think that:
- it's an institution of power and control over the poorly educated to keep them nice and distracted from the class struggle
- think the tax exempt status of churches, with little to no oversight on how that tax-free income is spent, is bullshit
- the priesthood serves as a shield for masses of sexual predators
- the indoctrination of young and vulnerable minds that haven't had a chance to develop countermeasures to such influence is morally abhorrent
- the church has, and in some cases continues to, committed heinous crimes against humanity
...but you chose the one period in history that actually makes it kinda clear what benefits the church does provide.
like i said, i'm not a fan, and if it wasn't the church i'm fairly confident others would have stepped up and taken on similar roles of resistance, as many indeed did at the time, and yet this is one of the few instances in which the members of the clergy were quite clearly on the right side of history for once...possibly the only time.
sooooo...yeah...unlucky example in this (very specific) context...
there's a lot fascinating history around these two topics, highly recommend checking it out!