Donald Trump won't deport Prince Harry as 'he has enough problems with his terrible wife'
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Time Until Trump Leaves Office
long sigh
"Time Until Trump Leaves Office If We're Lucky"
Yeah, it's either going to be way before or way after. There's virtually no chance it's actually on Jan 20th.
No, if we where lucky it'd be immediately courtesy of a meteor or something that couldn't be reasonably viewed as a conspiracy to make him a martyr.
On schedule will be the result of a perpetual fight to keep him and his monkeys in check.
If a rock fell from space on that man, his followers would 100% claim the involvement of Jewish Gravity Weapons and start jailing astronomers.
What a cunt
I was gonna try and find some way to secret a tesla coil in the Oval Office and aim it for the resolute desk.
Meteors sound reasonable. Good idea. There’s plenty of NASA peeps who are suddenly available too!
Let's be honest- they're a cult.
No matter when that fat orange traitor dies, they're going to claim it was murder. Because why shouldn't an obese 80-year-old cheeseburger-guzzling sleep-deprived amphetamine-addicted deadbeat live to be 200?
What if the earth opened up near him and a red scaly claw grabbed him to drag him down with evil laughter?
They'd absolutely blame Nancy Pelosi for that!
They’d go after Sam Raimi and the Roma.
Edit: Alex Jones #Predictive Programming
The countdown is kinda depressing (only because we have so long to go), but each second passed gives me hope. Carry on good Samaritan
Someone remind me about the racial makeup of Meghan Markle. Because something tells me that her father's race could possibly be relevant in Trump's assessment.
Are you seriously believing with the way things go now that he won't try and remove that obstacle? You guys are on the way to racist dictatorship and you point at a clock that shows a potential meaningless number.
I'll take any small victory I can at this point, shits bleak AF
What if the heavens split and a booming voice said "I am the father, the son and the holy spirit, and thou I said I wasn't going to do this kind of thing any more I smite you sinner Donald Trump "
And then trump spontaneously combusted.
Oh, he won't leave. At that point he has declared himself an god emperor.
Yes, but it's something he and Harry's late racist grandmother would agree on. So there's that.
He will leave, but he'll create a Trump dynasty. He'll be asking Kim for advice and I don't mean kardashian