Google removes pledge to not use AI for weapons from website | TechCrunch
Yea, it’s just the title and no link. To the top with you for the source!
B-b-but the corporations promised!
They're trying to fix that Q4 earnings report already...
If there's a conflict and I get to choose whether or not the side I'm on has killbots, I'll definitely choose killbots. Especially if the enemy has them.
Don'tbe evil. -
The Google Graveyard will be littered with the bodies of people now. Fuck them, move to something better for the world.
Don't beevil. -
I pledge, to do the thing, that makes the red line go up. Profits go BRRRRRRR. Human lives go......away when we kill them all. But profits go BRRRRRR!!!!
And looking to get some of that sweet AI money President Musk and VP Trump are giving out to I'm sure.
The canary has died.
Well yeah, gotta be open to those sweet
defenseoffense contracts. All those brown people on the other side of the world ain't gunna kill themselves! -
This clearly means the AI will be used for fire solutions and guidance, right?
^Not^ ^threat^ ^detection^ ^and^ ^target^ ^identification,^ ^right?^
I remember when the motto was do no evil, now it is we promise not to make killer robots.
The canary died back when they removed "don't be evil". I think the canary was just resurrected as a Horizon Zero Dawn mech canary.
Corporations are people, my friend.
Sociopathic people.
“Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.”
- Groucho Marx
Maybe they should change their name to "Pacific Bell" something fitting like that. Or AT&T. Or Maybe something a little more adjusted to their near future... "Blockbuster"
We pledge this until we change our mind
Every large corporation ever