What is one video game cheat code that will you will always remember?
Doom had IDKFA that just basically gave you all the weapons and keys. I was a pretty young kid when that game was popular and all I wanted was all the guns.
It’s not a code, per se, but the method to get unlimited money on SimCity for SNES is forever in my brain. (I didn’t always use it but sometimes, I just wanted to make a cool city and not do the tax and budget stuff.)
Final level in Bubsy.
As others have already mentioned, IDKFA for Doom and didn't it work in Doom 2 as well?
I only ask because when ID Software released Heretic, a swords and sorcery style Doom game, I remember typing in IDKFA, expecting the same results. It was the Doom engine after all. Except typing in the classic code kills you instantly!
Another isn't strictly a cheat code. On the old 8bit computers the UK, you could enter some programming code to change the memory before loading in a game. (This is over simplified.)
Because of the altered memory, it would effect the game in some way. E.g. infinity health or lives.
I found a listing in a magazine which you could type in to help with the ZX Spectrum version of Batman: The Movie.
In this platform game, with the cheat, when a bad guy tried to climb a ladder, they would freeze.
This was very helpful and worked wonderfully all the way through the game. That was until you reached the very end whereupon the Joker was on a rope ladder attached to a helicopter.
The code interfered with the end of game boss in a way it wasn't expecting and the game would crash.
Warcraft III: iseedeadpeople to remove fog of war.
Superpower multiply
I am thrilled to see some love for Bubsy
OBOYOBOYY for hyper speed in guitar hero 2 and 3
DNCASHMAN to make it rain money in Duke Nukem 3D
Are those Sonic codes?
ABBAABBA. Skip level code for Aladdin on the Sega Genesis.
furious the monkey boy
They also had "kaching" or something similar instead of rosebud in Sims 2 I think. But it was only 1k or 5k unsure. Motherlode was much more ye
I was going to use that exact cheat! The other one I used was to explode cars if you even barely tapped one
B A B A ↑ ↓ B A ← → B A Start
I never beat the game but I'll always remember using Red5 in star wars dark forces 2. And the level skip code of course.... "Deeznuts"
One button fatalities were awesome! And playing without hyper speed felt just too slow.
Play without the power suit in OG Metroid