PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why
As bad as the customers I deal with are I am so glad we only work with real companies. The smallest are a few hundred staff. At least 99% of the time they can be professional. The exception so far have been pretty funny though, shame I don't go on calls with them anymore tbh.
Outages are a thing of the past since I switched to 4G. If you asked me in 2010 if 4G of all things would be better than a wired connection I would never have believed it.
It's fast enough and never had an outage. Once in the past year I rotated the antenna to point at a different mast because it was being a little slow. I assume cell towers are a higher priority of infrastructure as they serve more people, and as there are multiple I can connect to there is also redundancy.
This was back in 2006 or so. I don't recall if 4G was around then, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't available as an internet provider. If it was, I wasn't aware.
I'm pretty happy with my current internet solution, but I'll keep your suggestion in mind. Thank you!
My first reason for going 4G was general distaste that all the wired providers leave me with. Awful pricing models where they charge less for 4 months then more for 20 and then loads indefinitely kinda thing and I just decided fuck that. I think there is a bit more competition for the 4G side of things too.
What I'm saying is that you have to look at the bigger picture. Not only Sony would be affected by that, back in 2011 when they were breached consumers were charged in the estimated tens of millions of dollars range. A figure that Sony only ended up having to repay about 15 million in settlement fees for after a solid year and a half.
Additionally, Sony still managed to go up in profit that year, despite the PR nightmare out of it. Going up from 1.2 billion after operating costs in 2010 to 1.4 billion after operational costs in 2011 and still made 1.1 billion in 2012 ( after the 172 million in damages was done)
I understand hating big business and their practices as much as the next guy, but I have a hard time getting a sense of satisfaction knowing that at the end of the day the company itself isn't going to be impacted by the hack and it's only going to fuck over the consumers.
Ouch. I'm only sorta old, instead full on old lol.
Tbf all platforms have this. Steams not much better. Neither is the Xbox ecosystem. We truly are in the worst timeline.
You're again mixing the point, your friends IP doesn't have authentication, progress, chat, etc, etc, etc. You're talking about a different kind of server.
The difference is if steam goes down I might not be able to play a few games. If xbox (what is their service?) goes down you can't play any games.
Not sure if this is still the case, but with Steam if you didn't put the client into "offline mode" ahead of time the client wouldn't open, let alone launch a game once the connection was lost.
Why trust a company that already charges people to play online after buying the console, and the game...
Better than every year or so no one can play the games they supposedly "bought" due to some technical hiccup than some percentage of people be able to more easily play our games without paying us. -some Sony/gaming industry stooge probably
In all seriousness, people need to stop being so willing to put up with this sort of easily foreseeable failing with the current way of doing digital goods. If I can't use it without the blessing of someone else it is not buying, it is borrowing, and that severely impacts the value proposition for me personally.
...You want their security to be bad enough that they get hacked, so that they'd have to face repercussions for having bad security? What?
How about they just don't have bad security and people don't risk having their private data stolen?
Nice to know you'd sit there with popcorn watching people who just want to play video games suffer, a small price to pay for you to hurt Sony it seems, who I guess you hate for some reason.
The thing I'm criticizing is that they make this other kind of server impossible, even though it would be exactly the kind of backup plan you'd want for a situation like this one.
GoG checking in with no arbitrary server requirements! Why reward companies for treating you badly?
When companies treat me like a sucker, I move on to companies that don't.
Oh no, people not being able to play games for a few hours, please stop the suffering.
Pretty sure they did a while ago
Especially with the stream deck, you're not going to have Internet available everywhere
Oh they upgraded from a raspberry pi?
It's not about people not being able to pay
It's about personal data of people getting lost
Yep, all my GoG games would be installable without internet if I have the installer downloaded, games without DRM bought from the devs directly like Factorio would also work just fine. Loads of games are available outside of steam, some are even on github for free.