Google's AI made up a fake cheese fact that wound up in an ad for Google's AI, perfectly highlighting why relying on AI is a bad idea
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I keep having to repeat this, but the conversation does keep going on a loop: LLMs aren't entirely useless and they're not search engines. You shouldn't ask it any questions you don't already know the answer to (or have the tools to verify, at least).
The weirdness came partway through, when the ad actually showed Google Gemini in action. It told the cheese vendor that Gouda accounts for "50 to 60 percent of the world's cheese consumption." Now, Gouda's hardly a hardcore real head pick like Roquefort or BellaVitano, but there's also no way it's pulling in cheddar or mozzarella numbers. Travel blogger Nate Hake and Google-focused Twitter account Goog Enough documented the erroneous initial version of the ad, but Google responded by quietly swapping in a more accurate Gemini-suggested blurb in all live versions of the ad, including the one that aired during the Super Bowl.
Yeah. Everyone forgot the second half of "Trust, but Verify". If I ask an LLM a question, I'm only doing it because I'm not 100% sure how to look up the info. Once it gives me the answer, I'm checking that answer with sources because it has given me a better ability to find what I was looking for. Trusting an LLM blindly is just as bad as going on Facebook for healthcare advice.
This is like the dozenth time Google put hallucinations in their AI presentation/AD. They just don‘t care.
Slightly off topic, but the writing on this article is horrible. Optimizing for Google engagement, it seems. Ironically, an AI would probably have produced something vastly more readable.
That is exactly the point, LLM aim to simulate the chaotic best guess flow of the human mind, to be conscious and at least present the appearance of thinking and from that to access and process facts but not be a repository of facts in themselves. The accusation here that the model constructed a fact and then built on it is missing the point, this is exactly the way organic minds work. Human memory is constantly reworked and altered based on fresh information and simple musings and the new memory taken as factual even while it is in large part fabricated, and to an increasing extent over time. Many of our memories of past events bear only cursory fidelity to the actual details of the events themselves to the point that they could be defined as imagined. We still take these imagined memories as real and act upon them exactly as has been done here by the AI model.
LLM is a random person in the internet, or the first link on a search.
If you wouldn't blandly trust them, don't trust it.
I find LLMs very useful for setting up tech stuff. "How do I xyz in docker?" It does a great job of boiling together several disjointed How Tos that don't quite get me there into one actually usable one. I use it when googling and following articles isn't getting me anywhere, and it's often saved so much time.
begs the question
Not it doesn't. Did an Ai slop this story too?
Especially considering that the "pointing out of said hallucinations" comes much later than when they're shared. And NEVER made it as far and wide as the initial bullshit.
Not it doesn't. Did an Ai slop this story too?
No it doesn't. Did an AI slop this story too?
Why post the same comment?
That user goes around doing weird and pointless corrections to other people's comments, so I thought it'd be funny to do the same in turn.
They are also amazing at generating configuration that's subtly wrong.
For example, if the bad LLM generated configurations I caught during pull requests reviews are any example, there are plenty of people with less experienced teams running broken kubernetes deployments.
Now, to be fair, inexperienced people would make similar mistakes, but inexperienced people are capable of learning with their mistakes.
Can take the user off reddit, but the reddit never leaves the user
I thought it was “butt verify” whoops
Or if you're fine with non-factual answers. I've used chatgpt various times for different kinds of writing, and it's great for that. It can give you ideas, it can rephrase, it can generate lists, it can help you find the word you're trying to think of (usually).
But it's not magic. It's a text generator on steroids.
honestly LLMs are about a thousand times more useful than Google at this point. Every week i try googling and get nothing but spam results.
for example just yesterday i was searching for how to reclaim some wasted space on one of my devices. so i searched on Google and tried 8 different pages that were ad-riddled hell holes.
i gave up and spent 10 seconds with an LLM and got the answer i needed. i will admit that i had to tell it to quit bullshitting me at one point but i got what i needed. and no ads.
It's an obsolete usage of "beg" that's now preserved only in that particular set phrase. One of English's many linguistic fossils, which you should learn more about before trying to critique anyone's language use.