How do I break a fizzy drink addiction?
Sugar free seltzer
I've had kindey stones twice so far and can confirm: it hurts. So much, I've formed the habit of drinking multiple liters of water a day, every day.
This is how I got off beer and wine during the week. Sip fizzy water. It's perfect. Replacing one habit with another.
This is tough, because I used to be there but I kind of grew out of. I just started drinking tons of water all the time and now if when I get thirsty I just crave water.
I do drink two iced pour over coffees in the mornings though. They seem to keep me going for most the day caffeine-wise, so that’s helped a bunch too.
Okay, I had trouble getting off of sodas, and everyone suggested fizzy water instead, and they all tasted nasty, like maybe the water sat in the room with the fruit maybe.
But this is the only time I'll ever say good about Walmart, their walmart branded carbonated waters are 99 cents a liter and taste amazing. The Fuji Apple one is the one I usually get and it tastes like a fizzy apple soda but doesn't have sugar.
Since I avoid walmart like the plague, I've learned to just drink water now. Tap water is my go to. But these things are like my guilty pleasure, which is a far cry better than the sugar drinks imo.
Bubbly water with a dash of vanilla extract. Now you’re just addicted to bubbly water with a little flavored alcohol instead of all that sugar.
They can also start mixing their regular drinks (Pepsi) with sparkling water and up the ratio as they get used to the taste. Eventually they’ll be just drinking water.
hatred. just hatred and anger, fueled by seething rage that's there in a split-second, whenever you need it. when you synapses overflow with visions of screaming mongol hordes burning and pillaging through the C-suite of whatever corpo that's yanking your chain, the desire to gorge on whatever crap you're conditioned to consume just fades away.
that works for anything. smoking. eating meat. you ex you can't stop thinking about. getting the new GPU. give it a burst of 30-45 seconds of white-hot fury and you don't want none of that, ever again.
in the words of the wise denpak chopra: "hate in the hands of the enlightened can be a tool for great change".
Maybe just understand what you're doing, what the shit actually is you're consuming and let your hate, rage and despise be your guide.
Sounds like a stupid advice, but in the end it just boils down to that. Like the best way to quit smoking is....well...quitting smoking.I managed to down a palette of red bulls in a few days. For a long time. Now I'm on green tea and plain water. Red bull was so expensive, I could easily swap it for very good white tea and still don't loose money
Just stop. There are no tricks.
Do or do not.
Soda hits a spot that sugary drinks without the fizz don't. It's why sodas taste awful when they've gone flat. If I buy one of those prepackaged sweet teas I can't handle it, the sweetness is somehow overpowering for me. Same goes for most juices.
For me, sugar really brings out the flavor in things though. The sugar in a soda works to enhance the flavor, while the carbonation offsets the strength of the sugar. If I water down a soda with seltzer it's okay, but it's much more bland, so much less enjoyable. It really is the combination of the two that works here.
With that said, I am pretty picky with my sodas (much like everything else I'm eating or drinking, unfortunately). Anything I don't enjoy much more than water I'll turn down. I like colas and birch beers and cream sodas, not so much orange/grape soda or sprite.
Don’t break it. Switch to kombucha. Synergy raw kombucha is 60 calories per ~450mL. Fizz is from fermentation, which gives it a little bit of alcohol but with a lot of probiotics that are good for your gut biome. I keep that and flavored carbonated water in rotation, along with plenty of filtered water.
Thanks Master!
I have a soda stream and then several flavoring options. I have mio and other brands, then soda syrups, and cocktail mixers. That way I can control the amount of sweet. I personally don’t like the flavor of artificial sweeteners or stevia so I try to find ones that use real sugar and real fruit extract. There’s some with caffeine too.
Stop drinking fizzy drinks
It's not cocaine
Club soda or seltzer is a good start, if you want the fizz but not the sugar/flavor. If it's the taste you like, try the syrup they make for fizzy water.
I kicked mine by winning a weight loss bet with a friend. Depression and anxiety caused the weight to come back, but I still haven't had a soda in three years.
Replace with something else - back when I was actually addicted to soda, I realized how expensive it all was and replaced it with drinking tea.
Of course, might not be viable if you're an american.
Carbonated water helps
FYI SodaStream is made in occupied West Bank territories.
I'm cured