Ubisoft revenues decline 31.4% to €990m
Black Flag was insanely good, it boggles my mind they managed not to capitalise on that
They've been releasing a lot of half baked games lately, coupled with lazy game design, where a lot of their open world games are the same thing with a different skin. And then the games themselves are the same first few hours of gameplay loops repeated for the rest of the game.
Ubisoft used to actually make interesting, sometimes even genre-defining games. They pushed boundaries. Now they’re an assassin’s creed factory that makes a tom clancy power fantasy game on the side.
I don’t want to see them fail, but I like seeing their poor decisions have consequences. Even in the 2010’s they were still cooking pretty well - child of light, valiant hearts, Scott pilgrim vs the world, from dust, AC had several bangers, the list goes on.
They’ve been mismanaged for years and I want to see them right the ship or fail and for the talent to move on to better opportunities. I don’t want to see them limp along for year after year.
The worst part is that Tom Clancy should not be a power fantasy. That brand means nothing in video games anymore.
When their CEO said that players should get comfortable not owning the games they paid for I went from not really caring about their games to actively disliking the company
They tried. Their pirate game came out last year.
They tried... with Skull and Bones
Far cry feels just the same since 3. Same gameplay, different story, different setting. While the story itself is usually good, I don't think it has progressed gameplay wise or in technical or graphics aspects in any meaningful way. Car physics are worse than gta5 which is already out for 10 years or so.
Don't forget shutting down games people paid money for and leaving them with nothing. (Looking at you, "The Crew.")
Please don't forget that even when this company made "better" games and was more profitable, their management and executives were wilful participants in rampant sexual abuse of their workers. Ubisoft is, always has been, and always will be a pile of festering shit and bankruptcy would be too good for them.
For me it's the arrogance. It's the calling of themselves "AAAA" gaming and trying to push base prices of games past $100 and then making bland boring games. They think they're amazing. This is their reality check. Their games are what I play when I have nothing, and I mean nothing else to play
Hey maybe shadows will finally turn them around, I'm sure they did I'm something interesting and new with the game to get us to take notice.
I don't understand how horny people are to defend companies that treat their paying customers like shit.
I was so looking forward to that game. Once I found out it was basically just a multiplayer experience, my interest dropped. Still haven't played it.
The problem with many games and movies nowadays is that the gatekeepers are people who don't really have creative/artistic background. They are business people who make decisions on whatever they think makes the company the most money.
A.I. has its issues and controversy, but I feel like creative people who can't get through the blocked doors of these business types will go on their own and create wonderful things with the technology. I guess time will tell.
Without that ridiculous launcher, though.
Why hasn’t the board already fired the CEO? Or is the board just full of family members?
Remember when everyone was on the Guillemots side when they fought to prevent a hostile takeover from Vivendi. The Guillemots became what they feared what Vivendi would have done to the company.
i feel like ubisoft has been having really cool ideas for games pretty consistently for the past decade. (in the sense that every game has a cool elevator pitch.) but then, every time, they ruin those ideas by making the most bland and generic open world game with the most boring stories, dialogue, and gameplay systems imaginable. it’s like the creativity behind their games is forbidden to develop past the elevator pitch.
this is particularly noticeable with the assassins creed games i think. super cool ideas for settings, time periods, and main characters, etc. but every time, they find a way to turn the games into the most boring and generic slop imaginable. there’s just so much wasted potential.