New poll says 27% of Canadians view the United States as an 'enemy' country
What would possibly be unclear here
You know what? Go fuck yourself.
That's because conservatism is a wildly violent mental disorder that seeks to destroy all positive freedom and oppress everyone in the most ruthless ways possible. They have to be killed, and you had better be arming up. This is not hyperbole; you do not understand who you are dealing with.
And you need you fucking skull bashed in, you Nazi shit bag. Need I say more?
Only pussy-assed traitor mods would delete my comment.
This is always the Libertarian shitpost response: "you're free to do what you want" because you don't recognize economic coercion. It's a perfectly OK form of limiting freedom. Fuck off.
You could not more wrong. American capitalism is the worst form of capitalism in the world. It is only attractive to people from truly desperate situations.
so i should care about them?
Surprised it’s that low, before trump I would have thought it would be at around 25%
There are a lot of maple maga and confederate flag waving trash in Canada though, so it probably balanced out a bit
We did have an idea, we saw the gas chambers. Now just like the Israelis, we’re taking a turn at being the bad guy, so yeah arm and practice. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
Sorry Canada
Can’t say I disagree with them. Usually it’s the canucks always saying sorry but this one is on us. Sorry.
We are cooked. Instead of Trump improving relations with our allies he is making them mad.
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I don't give a shit what you should or shouldn't care about.