Google said it was too hard to target ads to people
I appreciate that you are standing for moral dignities like personal privacy. But understand, Google's entire business model IS surveillance capitalism.
Profits aren't infinite if the resource is finite. Eventually, they would have to dig the mineshaft deeper, take more material to sell more product. This is what happens when capital is left laissez-faire, it grows more tentacles.
Exactly. Just using an adblocker is like tying on a blindfold and claiming that the minefield has no landmines.
The only thing i use google for is lens and couldnt find a good replacement for it,Tineye is subpar.
yup that's the same thing I was using.
I use linux mint, haven't tried it on any windows system. tried on my phone and no browser can beat it, I'm totally 100% unique.
score is 75% for me too. on any other browser it's 27%, even without any extensions so this is still a lot better. oh and I just assumed 0% was bad because it's shown in red, but if it's the opposite then js engine and mimetypes are the big giveaways as they have 50 and 20%.
it started at 55 and has been alive for a month. before I changed something in the settings it was 300. it still counts up when I refresh, open in a new tab, restart or even clean identity. can't fool it.
I suppose it wouldn't matter as long as it confuses me with a few others too, I'm just not convinced it can fool google and meta.
I'm just not convinced it can fool google and meta
Yea, this is a great and healthy skepticism to have. It's why I went deep on this little research tangent.
Besides browser fingerprinting, there are many other ways to tie you to online behavior. For instance, the DAITA thing has nothing to do with browser fingerprints, but specifically the size of your inbound and outbound traffic. The NSA uses that to figure out your behavior and link on-VPN and off-VPN traffic together with great success, regardless of how many hops you go through. It's the behavior that gives you away.
I'm always on my VPN, reconnect at random times, and have all the extras turned on. Something else that may be a factor is that I have Mullvad Browser installed via Flatpak and is sandboxed to hell. Maybe you installed via .deb or something in Mint?
Any way, thanks again for humoring me in this! I think you're right that at least you are sorta getting lumped in with others, but it's never going to be 100% foolproof and we should all plan for that.
Perhaps Qubes.
They don't give a F about any one and any laws as long as they get away with it. That's late stage capitalism for you.
Any country trying to protect itself from US big tech gets threatened by tariffs, of course
That is way you go up that orange ass
I am also pro being able to form your own future by giving an extra hand to the world.
I do however disagree on the part where you have to be born into certain privileges to be able to do this. Yes, giving extra should mean you get extra but all in accordance to individual abilities an privilege. Someone born rich should have it significantly harder to make more than someone born poor for example.
+1 for brave. Definitely a great browser
I got so paranoid about librewolfs unique fingerprint that I threw it away and started using mullvad browser
I use the one you can manually download from mullvad website, as mint doesn't support mullvad repository. I just now tried the flatpak one and it was showing 600+ visits...but it's unverified, so idk if that's something to worry about?
I use basic firefox for stuff where I need to log in as me. probably won't prevent some goddamn AI from spying on me but at least I feel one bit safer