Couple forced to sit next to dead body on plane for 4 hours after woman dies mid-flight
A baby’s shitty diaper pales in comparison to the recently deceased evacuation of bowels of an adult human.
See Harry Chapin.
Are you sure because too many times I’ve been on a 2hr flight and there’s a line for the lav the entire time. It’s a mystery I will never understand.
World’s (or at least, That Plane’s) Worst Dad
Thanks for nothing, Peter.
Just put on the seatbelt sign and do a parabolic arc to simulate microgravity. Way easier to nudge a body around then!
I seem to be in the minority, but the baby.
Kids are awesome. Little bundles experiencing new things constantly. It's fucking cool.
Why not secure it in a flight attendant seat in the back and the flight attendant take the seat next to the living people?
It makes the most sense.
I've sat next to many a passenger who was dead from the neck upwards.
Slightly unrelated, but last time I vomited during a flight they refused to take the bag and throw it away. I had to sit there for 6 hours, holding an uncloseable plastic bag full of my own vomit. Next to other passengers. Like, I get that it's technically some kind of hazard waste that flight attendants shouldn't have to handle, but the alternative is me potentially accidentally spilling it on or near other passengers. I had to carry it off the plane with me like it was my carry-on. It was absolutely ridiculous.
I knew someone that was orphaned in high school because his dad had a heart attack, crashed, killed himself and his wife.
It's going to be real weird when self driving cars finally work and sometimes cars just pull up with a dead body in it.
I’m interested as to why they moved the body in the first place.
Yeah no I knew someone that had that happen, he managed to park on the emergency lane and it took a while for someone to figure out that he was dead.
According the article she came out of the bathroom and collapsed so you can't just leave her in the aisle to be fair
It is really wild that they didn't have the other passengers put into new seats even after they asked though
Psh. Like a doctor would offer to give healthcare for free!
(/s for most docs - they can be assholes sometimes, but the vast majority are in it for the right reasons)
In his autobiography Ozzy Osborne related a story about the guy next to him dying on a flight. He informed the flight attendant who gave him the choice of moving seats or staying put with free drinks for the remainder of the flight, so he stayed in place and got blasted out of his mind.
Oh, ok. To be fair someone has to be standing for people to notice they’ve collapsed.
I imagine a contributing factor is that most people who drop dead randomly are of an age where they generally don't drive, or don't drive as much.
I wonder if it's one of those kinds of deaths that just makes the local paper unless they take out a lot of people with them. article discussing 21 fatal heart attacks while driving during a period of time in china
article discussing the results of the Finnish Road Accident Investigation Teams (RAITs) on fMVAs in Finland during 2008-2009. 11% of these were because of "disease attack."Severe injuries may mask the role of an initial disease attack.
These articles make it seem like unless there's careful investigation after the fact, it's very difficult to know for sure if illness caused the accident.
So it probably is a daily occurance, depending on how many fatal accidents happen in your country. (and depending on a million other factors, most likely)
I'd sit next to a dead person on every damn flight if I had the choice.