Amazon Restricted Vaginal Health Products for Being ‘Potentially Embarrassing’
But Amazon has no problems with the sale of adult toys? Hypocrites!
Did you know you can just buy shoe polish? You don't have to find a boot to lick it off.
Since when does Amazon send printed ads?
It's not something often, i've only received 3, usually around holidays.
I would be much more embarrassed having a potent punani than buying products.
Sure thing. The future is very unpredictable but live by the sword die by the sword has always held true. Enjoy your redneck toys while you can American.
I think it was sold by a third party
As the tissue relaxes, the Neodymium magnets increase blood flow
Uhm, no, the iron in your blood isn't in a ferromagnetic form.
Bought replacement float and toilet seat last week to fix my aunts toilet.
Amazon now thinks I’m a toilet repair technician or some shit. I see nothing but different kinds of floats, stoppers, tank gaskets, seats, bidets, anything that can go in or on a toilet, Amazon thinks I need.
I’ve never been ad bombarded this hard before, and it’s about toilet parts.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
I'd say it's the urban left, I'm like you rural and left and armed.
So... you're not even way to have an opinion that doesn't concern you.
… let’s see where this goes. The us is now a conservative country. Sex toys aren’t conservative.
The funny part is that there’s very little reason to actually buy a barrel of lube. In porn, they just mix their own lube using distilled water (available cheaply from virtually any grocery or hardware store) and a dissolvable powder. There’s not a good reason to ship wet lube in bulk, because freight shipping is calculated by weight and you’re essentially just paying to ship water.
For the curious, look up J-lube, X-lube, K-lube, or Fist Lubricant Powder.
This feels like a reference to a streamer video I’ve never seen
I bought a bidet like six years ago (right before the pandemic) and Amazon is convinced I need to buy another one every single week. How many toilets do you think I have, Amazon?
Well Bezos probably has like 20 toilets in each of his mansions, so he’s just skewing the averages.
Gotta respect that math, but value might still be possible.
55 gallons of water weighs about 459lbs (208kg), so that barrel is in that range.
Get 10 friends to chip in and order the barrel. Use those 10 friends to lift and leave that barrel somewhere that is highly visible, like the front porch of an ex-wife or ex-husband. Maybe your local police station if you are from a small town?
If that is worth $1,700 to someone, I can't really say. I have paid more (per pound) for less significant practical jokes before though.
(It would be cheaper to use another barrel, actual water, and just fake the package label though. Real lube would just be for show but it would show that you have great attention to detail.)