Bullying, berating Trump shows his worst self in Zelenskyy ambush
Can women be in men's sports?
What about the veterans who lost their government job?
What efficiency has been created?
What if he starts concentration camps, is that enough to compare Trump to Hitler? Or does it have to specifically be death camps? What if people in those concentrations camps just disappeared and nobody cound find them, would that count?
After Musk testifies before House or Senate under oath, your transparency claims might become valid. Until then…
Thanks, gonna say that to people now
He’s not a hero lol
Russia started the war in Ukraine, so it seems like it is entirely Russia's fault and Russia should end it, no?
LGBTQ is surprisingly unaccepting towards bigots. And I find that pretty accepting because I am not a bigot.
We are. We do not, however, support fascists, those who are ok with mocking the disabled, grifters, those who are ok with intentionally misgendering others, those who support the marginalization of minorities, people that support the sale of our country to the highest bidders, etc. You support these a-holes and what they are doing to us and this country, therefore, you will not find much acceptance from a good many of us.
I'm not LGBTQ (although I respect them), sorry I'm just very upset with Trump and how much of a horrible person he is, or, more broadly, what the republican party is right now, I really wanted someone like Bernie who seems to actually be a good person, in power
Any man who must say "I am the king" is no true king
Adrenaline makes your hands shaky and the target was moving.
I'll give him Afghanistan as he organized the withdrawal... but we saw how big a fuckup that was, so bravo for ending that war after 20 years, but proves he has no idea what he's doing.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion. The MAGAs have been spoonfed bs that caring for minorities and disabled is stealing their jobs and money.
Who did? Zelenskyy? This was the best possible outcome for him, given who he was dealing with.
Pray all ya want. Last few years have proven that phone is off the hook. We'd be seeing targeted plagues and brimstone if it were.
Congrats Never Genocide people posing as Progressives
Centrists do think that "never genocide" is a bad position.
We fucking warned you that exactly this was going to happen.
No. You screamed abuse at anyone to your left and only your left because opposition to genocide is opposition to your wing of the party. Progressives tried to warn you what would happen if you didn't ditch Netanyahu. We could read the writing on the wall. You had all the warning in the fucking world that if you kept pissing off people you needed to win, they wouldn't vote for you. You loved genocide so dearly that you kept going.
We are the baddies now.
You always have been. I reluctantly voted for Harris and I may one day stop resenting being manipulated into voting for genocide.
Living in a red state I believe the election was fair... but the cult is all too real. So is gerrymeandering.