Japan ‘on verge of no longer functioning’ after birth rate plummets to record new low
The boundaries changed, plagues came through. But politically it was mostly stable-ish of sorts ¯_(ツ)_/¯ as an economic system
I’ll have you know I intend to keep using Covid as an excuse for bad decisions well into 2040
World population is projected to peak out at about 10 billion, likely less because of climate change, so we won't be getting much closer to the 15 bil limit anyway.
I get what you're saying, but I feel like you are ignoring how much automation has allowed one person to do the work of many in the recent past. If allowed, this should continue to improve.
They use their profits from the house sale (which may be substantial depending on how long they've been there + market inflation), to rent somewhere.
I still don't understand how a falling population leads to a society crumbling.
The only thing a reduction in population does is make domestic labor more expensive. If that increase in expense outpaces the product of your society, that's not on the population, that's on the sustainability of the society.
And that's only the capitalist way of looking at it.
But I bet they will continue to work people to the bone as a point of pride...like I wonder what could be contributing to this problem.
Supporting the older, non-working, population is expensive. You need enough workers paying in to those systems that support them.
I love that movie, except for the premise which is actually based on eugenetics.
If you want people to actually be able to have a family, you need to enable that. My understanding of Japanese society is that you have medium to no personal freedom over how you spend your time, and meeting people is difficult. It feels like they are so intent on shooting themselves in the foot, and then complaining about their foot hurting.
Warning: swear language ahead
Da fuck "productive" is, for fuck's sake. Anyone thought of not running human intelligence into fucking ground over a period of... what? Roughly 60 - 20 = 40 years?
Or what, humans can't think after retirement age because <insert some bullshit>?
You absolutely can have any percentage of <insert random age group>, provided human wellbeing is being taken care of, constantly and in all aspects
While I do not share the sentiment of "let them finally die", I am very curious what will win: wanting to survive as a country and society or that bullshit worldview they are known for by anyone who learns anything more about Japan than just cool tech-anime-sake combo
I do hope they will change and survive. Ikkyu Sojun has earned a very special place in my heart (the one, who was a monk, son of emperor, who got a particular letter from his mother that is now famous among anyone who learns anything about Buddhism in Japan)
they are literally killing their own population growth with their racist national policies, I'm not killin em, but hey, sucks to suck
South America in general. Peru even had a president named Fujimori not that long ago.
Oh, you mean like Karoshi? The term that translates to "overwork death"? Good times. Good times.
Yeah, can't deny that. That's a shame, they did and still do have some wonderful people, but the you're-not-japanese-so-fuck-you-one-way-or-another mindset is a disgrace. If even I know that granting Japanese citizenship to someone who is not Japanese by blood is something extra-extra-extraordinary, it means things are - ok, I am tired of swearing - very bad
Cultural norms around marriage and work-life balance are strangling Japan’s future. Good article, minus one for not exploring innovative or radical solutions to the crisis.