Japan ‘on verge of no longer functioning’ after birth rate plummets to record new low
No lie, you a funny guy
I wouldn't say that it's entirely eugenics. Most of the point they were making is environmental factors like having uneducated parents that don't enrich the child's life or being too poor for education because the parents were too poor because they had 10 kids. It's where we are headed because they are trying to actively destroy our education system and force people into unwanted births.
It seems like you already understand some of the limitations of capitalism. Look into why regulation has gradually been rolled back in the US since the 70s. Why did politicians start to agree with corporate execs demands for lower regulation. Keywords to look up - regulatory capture.
On a separate point, there's plenty of famines that have occurred in capitalist economies due to capitalist exploitation - that is make more money, at the cost of of creating a famine. Some estimates put the deaths due to famines under capitalism higher than those under socialism. I used to simply know only of the famines under socialism and not know of the famines under capitalism.
Finally the capitalism we live in since the Great Depression is significantly different than the capitalism before it. Socialists, actual Marxists in western counties, yes the US included, were actively involved in the policies that created the welfare states across the west along with the regulatory regime. Some of FDR's economic advisors were Marxian economists.
That was the compromise to save capitalism from imminent worker revolution. The unregulated, no-safety-net version of the system had lead to the conditions for such revolution. The socialist policies that averted the revolution in have slowly been dismantled over time and the system is reverting to the pre-Great Depression state. Faster in some countries than others.
If you want to reform capitalism to the point where it can no longer revert to economic liberalism, you'd have to almost completely eliminate wealth accumulation. You could only do that by changing the ownership of the means of production. E.g. all employees in all corporations become equal owners of the machines, instead of a tiny number of major shareholders. You'd also have to significantly expand the industries operated by the government. At that point you end up with socialism. And yes socialism doesn't mean central planning. Capitalism doesn't mean no central planning either. We do plenty of central planning in capitalist economies across government and large corporations.
Me neither
and now my son is 5 y old
We discovered him about 4 month after creation…
Not really relevant. I mean technically there are countries with child slavery so I guess if you want to entirely miss the point on purpose you could go with one of those.
The only country in the world with a worse work culture than the US is Japan.
China too.
requiring 100 year multi-generational loans
This is the first I've heard of this and the fact that it's real is insane to me.
Its not capitalism that causes the over leveraged ponzi scheme, its the lender of last resort they call the Bank of Japan.
In a capitalist lending system you wouldn't get bailed out for making risky loans, so there wouldn't be the moral hazard, or the heightened cantillon effect to profit off debt accumulation.
The major shareholders have voted down your proposal.
Thanks for that. Sounds like it's still not great for women there, which I bet makes a difference to couples decisions about family planning. I know if I was a woman in a country like that, I would not have kids or move to a country where I could have kids and a life for me.
You associate how every you like but I wouldn't just hand evangelicals the title they so desperately desire.
No one has time for family in Japan
When I watch yt videos about people leaving the workplace at 10pm, I wonder how suicide rate is way higher
yeah, racism is totally cool, if it isn’t here /s
We might even expand it to all private ownership, maybe…
This. I think there's so much to love about Japan, especially the cultural leaning towards doing everything with respect, dignity, and skill.
But the megacorpos definitely won in exploiting that, and the general social pressure revolving around workplace culture there is genuinely terrifying to me.
As a US person, our corporate-brainwash culture is awful too, but I'm glad we're seeing bigger working class pushes to tell our employers "Go kick rocks. My family is more important."
Well-said. They don't see people as people, they see them as farm stock plotted on spreadsheets that they can manipulate by pulling levers.
And happiness just isn't a variable they would ever think of pulling a lever to increase. In fact I suspect they see a lack of it as an effective motivator, as long as it's managed properly through division and distraction, and those desperately upset little data points don't start assembling guillotines.
Give them some days off.
nazis like you aren’t welcome here. go back to being a human or stop wasting oxygen.
America has a individualist culture. Thats why we have unions and stuff and don't have to blow our bosses ego until 11pm every night.
Japan has a very..conformity driven culture. You conform to expectations around you, or you get ostracized heavily and treated like an outsider.
Which is a big driver for this kind of "I ahve to work till 5, then drink with my boss/coworkers until midnight, because if I dont I'll lose my job and be ostracized" stuff.