Norway rethinks €1.7 trillion sovereign fund to boost support for Ukraine
Ah, that makes much more sense.
LOL imagine if the US Republican government would do a single thing that would help reduce the cost of health care, improve disease or health research, or even reduce taxes for anyone not making millions a year.
Your argument is so fake. Just the latest directive from the Kremlin.
Ah I see it just infers it will dip into it and doesn't provide much detail, thank you kind sir.
This guy already blocked me as he believes women cannot handle being treated like adults and I called him out for it. Just block this fool and move on.
Move to Texas or wherever the taxes aren't paid and then just start sending money to Ukraine
You still pay taxes in those states, just not income. Most people will pay more taxes in those states compared to places like California (not the rich, of course). Texas chose a system of sales taxes (state and local), which act like flat-taxes, which put more burden on lower income people.
While sending billions to Israel for bombing civilians?
Get real.
It’s arbitrary. The reasoning is based around avoiding inflationary effects, but that’s based on a stupidly simplistic and wrong-headed idea of how inflation works.
Sorry, forgot to add /s
Honestly Norway could equal Russia's entire military budget for the year without anyone in Norway noticing any changes to their daily lives.
End Kiwi expansionism!
Ukraine doesn't want to use the same meatwave tactics as Russia. It's not the same as having a recruitment problem. Ukrainian soldiers are also way more motivated than the Russians who, are advancing very slowly and at huge cost.
The reason Russia is advancing at all is because Russia is prepared to suffer catastrophic numbers of dead and wounded to take a field and Ukraine is prepared to loose a field or two if it means conserving their population. The two methods for Ukraine to regain their territory are to either use a massive portion of their population in meatwave attacks or to cause a collapse of government within Russia. The latter is much quicker and more effective long term.
Russia has a population of 140ish million people all of which are viewed as expendable by Putin. Recruiting more meat won't help. Long range ordinance to fuck up russas logistics routes and oil infrastructure will absolutely help. So shut your cock-pocket and scurry back to your basement in the Kremlin.
Socialized healthcare would be cheaper and better tgan the current system, and the surplus that niw goes to people like Brian Thompson could go to Ukraine.
Thanks for pointing out another source of aid dollars.
It’s not the same as having a recruitment problem.
The absolute delusion among you people is truly a sight to behold.
I can tell who paid attention in history class, and who did not.
"Housing is at an all-time high"?
Out of curiosity, could you live and work in Texas but do all your shopping outside to pay the absolute bare minimum in taxes?
If I were the only one who had to read his nonsense, I would. The problem is that the Kremlin's propaganda machine doesn't rest. And it's important that people see rational voices counteracting the disinformation. Otherwise more and more people are going to start believing the propaganda.
Hmm, I guess theoretically. I bet towns or businesses close to eachother over a state border do something to equalize prices. Or I guess the businesses in the lower taxed state would just raise their prices because they can and still get business.
As much as I disapprove of Russia's behavior, I have alot in common with the working class in the country. If only we could cast off these parasites we call leaders and find a way towards true ever lasting peace.
Divided we are conquered, together we are free.