Zelensky: Ukraine still 'ready' to sign minerals deal with Trump
I think he's mostly banking on what comes after Trump assuming our democracy survives. That and if there were Americans on the ground in the country it may be an effective deterrent against Russian aggression just to have American bodies there that could get exploded and bring the USA into a shooting war on Ukraine's side.
That's my take on it anyways. Plus it could potentially be beneficial to both countries if the USA were to actually play ball and not be dickheads. Ukraine probably, idk I'm not an economist/read up that much, does not have all the equipment and men and experience to exploit all their mineral wealth. Bringing in American contractors to help isn't the worst idea, it just needs to be done right for it to make sense.
I think it's really clever actually:
Zelensky knows Trump secretly - although less and less secretly - roots for Putin. He pretends to offer this deal to save face, but he really doesn't want to provide any aid to Ukraine, which is probably why he and the couch fucker were so quick to get ill-tampered and call off the negotiations at the White House on Friday: the last thing they want is to find themselves in a position to have to help Ukraine against Putin.
Zelensky is calling them on their bluff and cornering them: either they don't sign a deal after all and Trump's duplicitous dealings will be exposed for all to see, or they do sign a deal and Trump will have to kill Russians in Ukraine, which is bad news for his relationships with Putin.
Even weapons would be worthless. All US weapons systems have remote kill switches.
They said that a US administration could put restrictions on kit (read equipment) from the US and that if countries are “deemed not to be doing what you are told you will suddenly find out missiles won’t fire and planes won’t fly. You have got to be careful.”
This is a typical "anonymous sources say" type article, but its believable and in line with industry standards even for less critical equipment like trucks and tractors.
That could be what comes out of it, but I just fear that they sign the papers, companies buy up the land to have rights to mine those minerals and then they wait until Russia wins. Cause if Trump and Putin are buddies, then they could still have those mineral rights after the war in the worst case scenario.
I can’t believe that we’re talking about scenarios like this when it comes to the USA and supporting Ukraine. Urgh..
Remember when Ukraine made a deal to give up it's nuclear weapons in exchange for security? pepperidge farm remembers.
Meh, both are considered correct today. Might as well complain that almost every sentence in American English contains misspellings because it's different from British English.
I have to say, I knew I wasn't quite old enough to make it to my grave without seeing the beginning of WW3, but the last thing I expected is that it would come from the US turning into a raging fascist dictatorship.
He’s better off without a US deal. Trump won’t do shit to help him. That’s as good as signing a deal with Putin.
Remember when the Arabs revolted against the ottomans for independence. PepperRidge farm remembers all western lies
Yeah, Zelensky was never against a mineral deal. His whole reason of not signing was because the US doesn't want to give Ukraine assurances for where Russia breaks the peace treaty again.
Quite literally what Trump is trying to do is muscle the wealth of Ukraine away from them and leave them with nothing. If Zelensky agrees to that, thousands of Ukrainians will have died for nothing.
We need to drop the f-35s, get something european
True as Trump might outsource mining operations to Russian state owned companies...
No, words mean something. Either use it correctly because you know what it means, or don’t use the saying at all. Use a different phrase.
So, any thoughts on this Ukraine mineral deal situation? It's interesting that you chose to debate the difference between 'champing' and 'chomping' instead of engaging with the actual topic of the post and my comment.
I wish he wouldn't. I know he doesn't feel like he has much choice but to try and deal with the US, but as a USIAN, I wish he wouldn't trust this administration. They're going to rugpull him and the entire country of Ukraine literally whenever they want, they're going to try and make Ukraine a neocolonial asset, and I just wish that he wouldn't grant this administration the legitimacy of trying to negotiate with them in good faith.
I read his statements as attempts to make it clear he's not the unreasonable "everyone must give Ukraine all the aid we want with no compensation allowed" figure that conservatives in the US now want to paint him as. It makes it clear that Trump isn't upset that Zelenskyy isn't open to negotiating compensation for the US, he's just trying to find an excuse to pivot US foreign policy towards Russia's goals, and Zelenskyy meanwhile is even willing to discuss something as absurd as signing away Ukraine's rare earth minerals.
I think it's a good idea for him to call Trump's bluff. If he railed hard against the deal, it'd become another partisan issue, whether relations with Ukraine broke because of Trump or Zelenskyy being a hardliner. That's why they've been trying to find any excuse at all to say Zelenskyy was somehow rude to Trump while he was sitting there listening to Trump spit out Russian propaganda. Conservatives need some narrative that the US pivot to Russian foreign policy is Ukraine's fault, and Zelenskyy is denying them that.
I wish i could upvote you more than once!