White House directs officials to draft proposal to lift US sanctions on Russia
Republicans have always loved Russia and the Commies right?
Reward your friends, punish your enemies. Trump showing that he views Russia as an ally, and Canada as a threat.
There should be a rule in UN that any threat made to leave UN by the leader of the country should lead to immediate suspension from the UN.
To help Putin, he is bankrupting USA just like how he bankrupted his casinos.
I sincerely hope that the military, even red state members, would recognize invading Canada or any of these countries as being a real fucked move and not what they signed up for.
No puppet! No puppet! Yer the puppet!
—Puppet in Chief -
the secret service will be extra busy.
kindly, Fuck off.
A couple of suspicious sounding phone calls intercepted from an embassy, when every embassy in the country was having their own discussions about their preferred outcome to the collapse of a government, do not influence millions of Ukrainians who know their own country and government, to take to the streets in a riot over being betrayed over something they voted for.
he's a kindred spirit in the genocidal warmongering asshole category.
Uh, very briefly for 4 years between 1941 and 1945, and then more or less at war at all other times of history.
oh you see Russia is actually, and Im being 100% serious when Im saying this, a bastion of capitalism. its the end result of capitalism.
its just the crony capitalism where society has regressed into a class structure with peasants, nobles, and all of that.
neither of those things are possible.
DJT is where he is, because of legalese. and as far as alliances and memberships to intnl groups go, the US is untouchable.
String up the traitors
the UN is just a clubhouse where people agree to talk. nothing more
No country with nuclear weapons gives a flying fuck about what anyone at the UN says, coincidentally, many of them are permanent security council members.
You're framing that as a difference in taste when in reality it was a difference in having shitty bigoted views or not. Haven't you fuckers muddied the water enough?
You Americans need to prove that 2A is useful and shoot this treasonous cunt.
Is there another form of end stage capitalism?
Great show!
Officially? Jan. 20, 2025