White House directs officials to draft proposal to lift US sanctions on Russia
4D chess right here, put economic stress on our allies, but try to help out our enemies.
If we dont know what we are doing, the enemy certainly cant anticipate our future actions!
It's more subtle. Technically they won, but while they were winning, Russia was buying the power in US. Weird situation now where the winner becomes a vassal state of the loser...
Unfortunately, the EU still didn't even manage to block Twitter and even less to touch Starlink, or send promised money to Ukraine in less than months. I wouldn't hold my breath on anything further out of what they've planned at least 6months ago already, and sanctions against US oligarchs was definitely not on the list.
FYI if everybody no longer pay their taxes and no longer work, its game over for the government in less than a year and in a peacefull way... (Excluding food, energy and health sector of course, and people will need to be able to rely on their communities exclusively, but lets be honest, in the US its already the case...)
Imagine a COVID but as a national and perpetual strike/protest. Even with a third of the population doing that, it would work.
I can help. Trump, the fascist wannabe dictator is putins bitch.
though it’s unclear what the U.S. would receive in return
Unclear to who? It seems to me that Trump wants to gain the favor of Putin. Why is this unclear? Is the Guardian too afraid to make this accusation? For someone like Trump that is always looking out for himself, it's unlikely he's doing this out of the kindness of his heart.
The White House has directed the State and Treasury Departments to draft a proposal for lifting some U.S. sanctions on Russia as part of Trump’s effort to restore ties and end the Ukraine war.
Yeah that's definitely the reason they're doing it.
The real lesson is to run down your enemies as they retreat. America failed to do that with the south after the Civil War. America failed to do that with the Sov Union. Looks like the allies failed to do that with the Axis as well. Every evil entity will roll over and beg for mercy with crocodile tears. Leave the people, annihilate the state.
Either recruit people to your side or marginalize and destroy them completely. There's no in between.
Well yeah, it's part of o365 now.
I was originally replying to the post above that said: "50% of the country loves their strongman president more than freedom or common sense." I was specifically disputing the 50% figure in regards to "loving" Trump. So you're arguing something else entirely.
You're an idiot then. He was literally a KGB agent. This isn't even hard to find information, if you Google him it's on Wikipedia you've done literally zero research.
What's quite funny is that in Europe there was never really much hatred for communism. It wasn't what we did, but we weren't bothered by it. The red scare was an entirely American phenomenon.
However fast forward 40 years and suddenly it's the reverse. America like Russia and Europe is talking about the threat of invasion.
Given how things are going a fair number then probably won't be card carrying Trump supporters for much longer. They're already pretty pissed off with him.
If china is about to kill you economy, who gives a damn about Russia?
I understand what you're saying. I also dispute the 50% number.
I'm saying only 30% of the country voted for him, 30% against, and 40% voted with their asses, making the effective amount of "love" 70%, not 50%.
Approval rating of ~50% notwithstanding, he has a 70% mandate to fuck shit up when we have 40% ass-voters.
Oh so being a KGB agent is being the president, got it. Who’s the idiot again?
I disagree. There's no "mandate" when so many voters are so disaffected with politics that they'd rather stay home than express themselves at the polls.
I understand and respect your disagreement.
I view it as a trolley problem: if you don't flip the switch, or you love Krasnov, 3 people die. If you do, 1 person dies.
The ones who do nothing and do not flip the switch are in agreement with the Krasnov lovers since there is no "conscientious objector" button at the polls.
Maybe from a game theory / trolley problem perspective, sure. But I guess my point is that a "presidential approval rating," as in the current support for the president, is not one to one with how the electorate voted (or didn't vote) four months ago. Especially as we get further from that event over time.
As good as that would be and as much as I desire it, my impression is that too many of them are trapped in a disinformation bubble to realize what and who is actually causing their problems. Some might, like the former Republican who shot at Trump and the veteran who blew up a Cybertruck, if I understood their motivation correctly, but I doubt such incidents will ever reach the scale for Republicans to reverse their entrenched stance on gun ownership.