EU says it will retaliate immediately if Trump imposes new tariffs
Nah, for the rest of the World it will only be for things Made In America.
The problem being that he is currently heading a superpower which is threatening economic and military force to achieve its goals, which apparently go against those partners.
Let's use Ukraine as an example... Ukraine should locate Putin every day and say hello with a few random drones. I'm sure they try, but hey if they get that sucker, the war is over. There are so many soldiers dead and people without homes including women, children and old people. Why can't wars be about removing the rich assholes that start wars? My cousin Alex didn't start nothing, why should he get to pay extra to eat?
Tbh if this finally gets the European governments to stop being the US' female dogs I will dedicate a shrine to Trump.
He wants to destroy economy worldwide to create the same circumstances there were before WWII
You can say and read the word bitch if you use a dbzer0 account. Just saying.
There are 2 things they are trying to do here IMO:
- They are using tariffs to bully weaker countries into worse deals and to interfere in our politics. Here in Colombia the media (all right wing lapdogs) keep talking how president Petro needs to bend the knee and just acept whatever Trump wants to do because it would be so bad for Colombia if we get extra tariffs. And they keep spewing propaganda making it sound like Petro is the one being crazy to kill any remaining support he has (not that he needs any help jajajaja, he has been a really mediocre president on his own and the extreme right is going to get an easy win next election anyway). They are not wrong of course, a trade war between Colombia and USA would hurt Colombia so much more than the USA just because of the relative size of our economies. And Trump and the rest of the republican assholes are using this to bully us and the rest of latin american countries.
- They want to reshape the tax collection in USA to remove taxes from rich people and collect more from poor people. At the end of the day, blanket tariffs on all products is just another regressive sales tax that will fall mostly on poor people. They want to reduce wealth taxes and income taxes which are collected mostly on rich people and instead replace them with regressive taxes like tariffs instead. I mean, his recemt tax changes shifted a huge amount of the tax burden away from the rich and to the poor and middle classes. If you want to put a conspiracy hat, they also think this will create a population boom in the USA. Research shows that people under worse economic conditions have more children, so they want to make life harder to poor people to get more and cheaper workers. At the very least the Musk rat has spoken openly about this, so it's not crazy to think this is part of their stupid plan.
Long term, the USA is royally fucked because of this. They are killing any good will the USA has with the rest of the world and they are screwing the poor people that actully generate the wealth of their country. But short term rich people will make bank with all this and the rest of us will pay for it.
Are curses censored for you guys? -
At least for they are.
Well, pull em up