What is one video game cheat code that will you will always remember?
I was going to use that exact cheat! The other one I used was to explode cars if you even barely tapped one
B A B A ↑ ↓ B A ← → B A Start
I never beat the game but I'll always remember using Red5 in star wars dark forces 2. And the level skip code of course.... "Deeznuts"
One button fatalities were awesome! And playing without hyper speed felt just too slow.
Play without the power suit in OG Metroid
EREIAMJH to fly in Jedi Knight. I always thought it's just the name of some obscure Star Wars creature. But it's actually a reference to the movie Brazil.
️Select Start
Gives you 30 extra lives in Contra on the NES
r1 r2 l1 r2 left down right up left down right up <- all weapons in gta 3
MADEMAN <- all weapons gta 1
Or motherlode
“idclip” for Doom
“pot of gold” for Warcraft 1
MostimpressiveStar wars battlefront 2 2005 unlimited ammo and health on pc
Have to hover your mouse over a little box that blends into the background image on the instant action page and type the codes in. I still believe that game is better than all battlefronts afterwards too
Descent. Gabba Gabba Hey
Is it a "cheat" code if it's basically required to beat the game...?
Power overwhelming ... Glittering treasures.
RRTANGENTABACUS-Episode 1 Podracer hahaha
Starcraft (original): black sheep wall
Reveals the whole map by removing fog of war.
At the warning screen, B A Down A Start Start
(Spells BADASS)Activates cheat mode, and then you can use the password screen to input cheats. But the only one I used is MONEY which starts you with 10,000 dollars or something.
Uhhhh not to be that guy, but um, ackhshually, "power overwhelming" was for StarCraft and it was "Glittering Prizes" for Warcraft 2